On the first working day of this week there were 25 PPRs status updates in total out of which 12 were from IP2s of 27th Feb as per
No. National---Stream—VO— AOR to PPR days
1. Pakistan—-FSW.O--Ottawa—132
2. India—-FSW.O---New Delhi —94
3. India—-PNP.O—New Delhi—111
4. India—-FSW.O---New Delhi —104
5. India—-FSW.O---New Delhi —123
6. India—-PNP.O---New Delhi —118
7. Turkey—-FSW.O--Paris—232
8. Iran—-FSW.O--Paris—255
9. Iraq—-FSW.O--Paris—234
10. Lebanon—-FSW.O--Paris—237
11. India—-FSW.O--Sydney—87
12. Egypt---FSW.O—Ottawa--124
The remaining others 9 had IP2 status after 27th Feb 2018 and 4 before that date.
Getting Closer
