Oh thank you, again.
I hope I'm wrong but it's seems so. So far anyone who has contacted ircc has been referred to the 27 months processing time. I'll give it till the end of the month to see the reply to @wksj gcms that asks what's their plan for online applications this year. If no reply by then I'll ask https://www.cicnews.com/author/shelby?_gl=1*1n7o4iv*_ga*YW1wLVdnLVZLUDhpSmtqbkpUSHRIdURVNHNWQ1NfUERKT19WOFNkV3luVWpneVhsVHBienJvanBXX0VNaTFXdS1TYkc.#gs.8tfma4 to make a news story about it where they directly ask the minister of immigration and ircc to state on public records their reasons for asking us to apply online and then not attending to it at all.
Hello again,Timeline-wise it is YMMV - no two people's timeline may move at the same/similar speeds. Language, Physical Presence, and Prohibitions will update simultaneously (in most cases) within many weeks from test completion. 1 month isn't too long; took my statuses about 3 months to update. Some applications will move faster, some slower than that. Not to worry, if something is amiss, IRCC will reach out. Else, no news is good news
I just had my Oath Taking earlier today. I will be transferring to a new place, Is there a request for the Citizenship Certificate to be delivered to my work address? Or request them to send this to my new address?
Thank you.