Hi, Ive got a question. My canadian partner and I are planning on moving over this year May from the UK. I want to apply for the PR after arrival. What do I tell Border Control when entering? Return flights are booked for 6 months later (just in case). We will have savings to tie us over for up to 6 months (hopefully in that time he has found a job). Will I declare it as just a visit for 6 months to see friends, family and travel or will I be truthful in saying that I am planning on staying and applying for PR?
Hi, I am a UK citizen and my spouse is a Canadian citizen so sounds like you`re in a similar position to us! I sent off my application inland for PR and OWP early April 2018 but have had no response from CIC yet.
I was stopped at Manchester airport leaving the UK as I only had a one way flight to Canada and had to speak to an agent at the Canadian border patrol (I think it was) over the phone but after a 15 minute phone call they let me on the plane.
I then had to do a full interview and provide proof of my intent to apply for the PR and OWP at Toronto airport at the Immigration Desk. So you will be okay with a one way flight but make sure you have all your documentation and evidence with you in your hand luggage ready for the interview at the Canadian airport you arrive at.... you will not be able to collect your checked in baggage until after the interview so you need to make sure you have all proof of relationship and application forms on your person/hand luggage.
It was all pretty stressful as I had no idea what to expect when I arrived in Canada after having to justify why I should be allowed on the plan at Manchester airport but just print off as much information as possible to show you are going to carry out the visa application process properly and they will let you though and give you a temporary visitor visa to allow you to remain in Canada while you wait for your visa to come through.
Hope this helps