Yes, like I said, Ottawa delayed the files back in July in IP2 like a month or so. All of those files were approved but when the concerned persons called Ottawa for delayed PPRs, they gave them the reason as stamping rush due to study visa, whereas the concerned candidates were from India, Croatia etc. and none were supposed to send passports for stamping to Ottawa. You exactly said my point...I should know that even if your file is approved at Ottawa, passport is sent to NDVO for stamping, as I sent mine to NDVO whereas my file was approved at Ottawa

Ottawa is sending PPRs at 20-25 days post AOR even now to Indian candidates and either way all those files are sent to NDVO for stamping, so they are basically loaded with Passports to stamp for both PR and student files. Hence the delay in PPRs to approved files I believe. There could be very easily some other reason, but to delay PPRs to already approved files, I think apart from passport stamping rush nothing else seems likely the cause. I have friends who are study visa consultants and the way they are sending number of passports for stamping daily, it seems that NDVO must be overwhelmed. Nonetheless it does not justifies the delay in any way, as we are (both PR and student visa applicants) paying them so much fees to process our applications efficiently and in timely fashion, more applicants (both PR and study) means more money for them, so they should hire more staff. Simply saying, " we have so and so files rush" is no excuse at all and not at all professional.
You have perfectly said, people need to write to them, even after the cases you mentioned in last 2 days, if still someone is 180+ and not at least writing to them, I think its not right. We should at least let them know our complain and that we have crossed the maximum processing time limit.
Thanks for sharing all the updates my friend, you are doing a great job
