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2017 NDVO FSWO applicants (CIO-LVO route), please connect here.


Full Member
Aug 23, 2017
Hello @Scorpman21 @gurik @legalfalcon

I finally received GCMS notes today exactly after 30 days of request. Following is the gist of it.

FIle moved to NDVO on 29th August, 2017 and since then they did not even touched the file.

R10 check was done on 16 july .. and no additional comments or request for review was made
A11.2 check was done on 25 th august 2017 and no additional comments or request for review was made.

Due Date: 4th October 2017.

File transferred to NDVO on 28th August,

my question is ..on 28th august.. " EE Econ --> " not started".. can anyone explain this?
on 3rd september it says --> Eligibility / Security / Criminality --> "Not started".

Under "Biographic status it says "NRT" on 17th july .... what is this?

I mean Eligibility and Security was done in CIO then why it says not started once the file moved to NDVO.


Hero Member
May 12, 2017
Hello @Scorpman21 @gurik @legalfalcon
my question is ..on 28th august.. " EE Econ --> " not started".. can anyone explain this?
on 3rd september it says --> Eligibility / Security / Criminality --> "Not started".

Under "Biographic status it says "NRT" on 17th july .... what is this? No Reportable Trace. Means there is no adverse information found.

I mean Eligibility and Security was done in CIO then why it says not started once the file moved to NDVO.
Medicals & Criminality are passed at CIO and Eligibility is only reviewed by an agent at CIO & finally passed by an visa officer at LVO. Security is the last stage of a file. Ndvo is working on Fifo as far as I know, and it is about to start with April files now. So we have no option but to sit patiently and wait for our turn.:)
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Champion Member
Apr 29, 2016
Exactly, what makes those applicants so special? I think of these factors when I see all these quick PPR's:-

1. NOC code :- Professionals with rare skillsets that are in very high demand, would be processed faster.

2. Education:- They might be graduated from esteemed Universities (Probably from top 100 worldwide).

3. Relatives in Canada :- I have seen two cases where the applicant had relatives (blood relation) in Canada and their applications were approved in 1-2 months.

@gurik Since you got PPR in two months time, does any of the above applies to you? :)
Sorry but just trying to decode all this process.
Actually nothing applies to me, my friend. I understand you completely here, we all are trying to decode the process. I had NOC 2121, so no demand or anything. Education from a good Indian University but nowhere good on world statistics, ranking around 400.
No relatives in Canada at all. And I was the one of the lucky people who saw the beginning of quick PPRs from Ottawa, but had no advantage on all 3 grounds you mentioned.
Trust me, NOC, education and relatives play no role whatsoever. I was just lucky (with god's grace) to be shipped off to Ottawa and had real nice Visa officer. Logically, I had no travel history and no past refusal or application ever to any other country ever (study visit etc.), I believe my case was really easy to process and check background, I had only one job, worked in the same company for 2.5 years, single, no criminal record or multiple address changes etc., no gaps. So all these factors combined with getting a good Visa officer who was efficient and quick enough to process file quickly, my PPR was one of the first few in May batch.

I believe its 90% dumb luck (or whatever you call it) here, on how quick we get a PPR. Sadly all people with past refusal have to go through CIO-LVO route, its mandatory, so that is the only logic that is applying to the file stuck at NDVO as of now. Point is if NDVO was efficient it would have only caused a delay of month for people stuck at NDVO, as that is the only extra time which is needed at CIO. But as NDVO is very slow, even now they are sending March PPRs like 2-3 per day, so even if they work, they work extremely slow. Its the Visa Office against us nothing else i believe.

Like you my friend I will share my view also on this delay tell me what you guys think too-
The people who got updates on 22 August were just again lucky enough to be picked up, as the Visa officer opened that specific batch, all were among late April to mid may AORs, so some visa Officer opened the batch and issued updates. Then it is evident that there policy changed suddenly, they shifted to concentration on PNPs and people hitting 180 day mark which was mostly Feb/March AORs.
So I believe the late may and mid June people are in the same batch and our batch has not been opened till now due to this change of work concentration on their part.
Our friend wan11u had a past rejection and his file was opened merely 14 days after being transferred from CIO and issued IP2 and PPR the next day. His GCMS clearly shows that his file was opened a day before he was issued IP2 and then next day PPR. So within 3 days and only few working hours, the Visa officer cleared his file. This shows that they do not need extra time for any reviews for past refusals also. Some people I see, think that the files are being delayed due to extra checking etc. are deluding themselves, our files are gathering dust and waiting for someone too look into them. It takes only 3 hours at maximum to finalise the file, they have all the access to all the data they need on their desks. only very very rare cases are delayed due to security screening.
NDVO is simply less efficient, Ottawa is sending PPRs in 20-25 days even now, and it is processing PNP inland, FSW Outlands, CEC Inland CEC outland, US applicants , stamping Passports etc. so thinking that NDVO has much more work then Ottawa is also wrong (apart from the time study rush is there). Its simple, Ottawa has clear priority for FSW Outlands, and they are showing exceptional efficiency in that. NDVO is showing no such efficiency as of now for any stream.

I strongly believe that fate of our file (if all is ok) depends on the Visa Office and the Visa officer, how quickly the Visa Office opens a batch to process and how efficient and nice your Visa officer is. I have seen 3 cases who had files approved in 5 months at NDVO, but NDVO issued a PPR to them a year after approval, the said people kept on ordering set of GCMS and raising CSEs, still it took a year for NDVO to respond. i know our rational mind wants some logic pattern to evaluate our situation, but I think there is none here. All we can do is wait patiently and pray as there are many random factors which influence the processing of files. Also we know from many our friends cases that NDVO does not care about due dates.
If NDVO starts processing April folks in September, we end May and mid-June people might have a hope till at least November beginning, that is what the current trend predicts, i really hope this changes though. And also hope they don't start processing study files for January after mid October otherwise it will be again a huge delay.
Really praying for the best for all of us.:):)
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Champion Member
Apr 29, 2016
Hello @Scorpman21 @gurik @legalfalcon

I finally received GCMS notes today exactly after 30 days of request. Following is the gist of it.

FIle moved to NDVO on 29th August, 2017 and since then they did not even touched the file.

R10 check was done on 16 july .. and no additional comments or request for review was made
A11.2 check was done on 25 th august 2017 and no additional comments or request for review was made.

Due Date: 4th October 2017.

File transferred to NDVO on 28th August,

my question is ..on 28th august.. " EE Econ --> " not started".. can anyone explain this?
on 3rd september it says --> Eligibility / Security / Criminality --> "Not started".

Under "Biographic status it says "NRT" on 17th july .... what is this?

I mean Eligibility and Security was done in CIO then why it says not started once the file moved to NDVO.
Hi deep,
Congrats, all looks good so far on your file.
EE going to not started is normal, as Eligibility is only Met at CIO and finally passed at LVO by the Visa officer. Again Security is also done and finalised by Visa Officer and hence not started. NRT is normal in all files, nothing to worry. All is good mate:).


Champion Member
Apr 29, 2016
Okay folks I called in CIC yesterday and a wonderful french agent came as a god-send. I apologize for the long post but I'm journaling my journey digitally on the forum, so I can look back at it one day. Here goes:

My Timeline:AOR July 1 () Medicals Pass July 20 () CRS score 475 () File at NDVO AUG 25 ()
So CIO finished processing of most of the checks as usual and I've been getting "we don't need add. docs" from 25th of Aug. Its been more than a month so I poked the CIC bear just to see how its doing. :p Wait time of 28+ minutes later, the french man (Let's call him Macron -Not Emmanuel- hereafter) greeted me and asked some basic details. Later I "casually" asked if my criminality and security are under process? Macron basically put me on hold for about 5 minutes which increased my Blood Pressure a bit. He later said he called some other rep. just to make sure he has the right info. before providing me anything.

My file apparently has been received by NDVO on 1st Sep and then touched by someone at NDVO on Sep 5. I think Macron has access to my GCMS notes (This is my guess) because he said they've put in an internal request for some check (Not sure if he meant criminality CSIS or something else). He assured its actually under process as in some alarm checks are on file. I knew those were due dates that he was meaning but acted all innocent so he can basically open up even more. :D Later he gave me the drill and I said "Oh you mean the due dates"?!?

So I sweetened the pot even adding that do you guys have all you need from my side? Can I basically provide CIC with anything that they need. Macron then went no, no we basically have all we need, Eligibility is done, docs are all fine, received your FBI cert and info sharing etc. which was absolute music to my ears. Was intact giggling to myself. My question for the eminent among us is
1) Do they put up internal request for CSIS/Interpol/RCMP checks? What else could it be? @legalfalcon @Scorpman21 @gurik @jd7 @wan11knu @naee

So I sweet-talked him even more and he said the due date's set for mid-October. He also added there's a good chance things *might* be approved even more sooner. Now, I applied for my second GCMS on 10th of Sep so am guessing it would *hit* around 27th Sep.. because NDVO doesn't give a rat's ass as to the due dates, I'm hoping in the worst case at least GCMS trigger by Sep. month end will make 'em finish it off..
2) Whats your opinion here??
That was some call you had my friend, good one.
I am glad that all is great for you so far. Internal requests could be for anything AFAIK, verifying some documents or asking for some details of any other visa application you might have had, could be anything. Its normal, so nothing to worry here. There was an internal request in my file and legalfalcon told me it can be an error also at times. So i think nothing to worry as your R10, criminality and eligibility are all passed.

Congratulations on your IP2, are you sure about the update though, because if July people are getting IP2 then it means NDVO has bypassed us May/June folks like they passed early April folks on 22 August, please verify this, it is real important for rest of us.


Champion Member
Apr 29, 2016
Thank You so much buddy for such a nice detailed post. It does help in calming the nerves here. :)
Thank you my dear friend. You are always one of the kindest:)
Actually I have another theory, in GCMS there is something mentioned about the batch we are assigned to, as yours and my friend's due date are same, I will PM you the information, please check in your GCMS and let me know if you also have the same number, if it is so, we might ask others, will give some idea to NDVO working.


Hero Member
May 12, 2017
Thank you my dear friend. You are always one of the kindest:)
Actually I have another theory, in GCMS there is something mentioned about the batch we are assigned to, as yours and my friend's due date are same, I will PM you the information, please check in your GCMS and let me know if you also have the same number, if it is so, we might ask others, will give some idea to NDVO working.
M waiting:D
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Champion Member
Apr 29, 2016
I have received the reply from legalfalcon this also, seems all is good. Legalfalcon says that the Agent has higher and more final authority then program assistant hence the Agent's review is OK so all seems fine as of now.
Regrding the questions at the ends, i have asked him for for more clarity, i am sure he will give us the the answer soon.
After seeing your message we went to the represenatative also, he says that as we have clearly mentioned the refusal they will not see it as misrepresentation, they were still admant that the answer is supposed to be "no", but I trust legalfalcon more then them, so waiting for his answer. Thanks for highlighting the matter, you and @Cynicalmonk were of great help!

P.S- sorry for typos, typing in a hurry:p


Hero Member
May 12, 2017
After seeing your message we went to the represenatative also, he says that as we have clearly mentioned the refusal they will not see it as misrepresentation, they were still admant that the answer is supposed to be "no", but I trust legalfalcon more then them, so waiting for his answer.
My bad. I misunderstood your query in the very first place. Actually, in the end notes, the questions start with " have you ever been refused a visa before". I thought your friend has put "No" to this despite having a rejection in the past. That's why I said it could amount to misrepresentation.
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Champion Member
Apr 29, 2016
My bad. I misunderstood your query in the very first place. Actually, in the end notes, the questions start with " have you ever been refused a visa before". I thought your friend has put "No" to this despite having a rejection in the past. That's why I said it could amount to misrepresentation.
Ohhhh then it means all is fine. No problem my friend, it is so much information, confusion is created all the time.
Still I had this doubt that why haven't we replied "yes" to the question "have ever applied to CIC before?", well will let you know as soon as I have an answer from legalfalcon.
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Aug 27, 2017
Ohhhh then it means all is fine. No problem my friend, it is so much information, confusion is created all the time.
Still I had this doubt that why haven't we replied "yes" to the question "have ever applied to CIC before?", well will let you know as soon as I have an answer from legalfalcon.
I don't remember if I was asked this question in any of the forms I filled - could you confirm where did you respond to this question?


Hero Member
Feb 15, 2017
That was some call you had my friend, good one.
I am glad that all is great for you so far. Internal requests could be for anything AFAIK, verifying some documents or asking for some details of any other visa application you might have had, could be anything. Its normal, so nothing to worry here. There was an internal request in my file and legalfalcon told me it can be an error also at times. So i think nothing to worry as your R10, criminality and eligibility are all passed.

Congratulations on your IP2, are you sure about the update though, because if July people are getting IP2 then it means NDVO has bypassed us May/June folks like they passed early April folks on 22 August, please verify this, it is real important for rest of us.
Thank you my friend @gurik for your very informative post. I could assure you of my IP2 which I confirmed via automated Telefonica.

Tell you what, I honestly don't think there's any rhyme or rhythm to the way in which NDVO acts. Like you said it's just a matter of OFFICER opening our files and finalizing it. Now @Scorpman21 says that our files are processed FIFO meaning only April folks will be processed for now. How the heck did I move to IP2 then? CIO Analyst n program assistant have given their pass and as they usually do, toggled eligibility to not started according to my first GCMS notes.

I ordered a second set on Sep 10 hoping it would kick start some action and I am now praying for a random act of God to finish approval. I did have a tourist visa rejection from New York office waay back. Hoping that caused this internal request..

Also @wan11knu can you please post your timeline because it helps all of us ? Have you by any chance ordered gCMS ??


Aug 27, 2017
Thank you my friend @gurik for your very informative post. I could assure you of my IP2 which I confirmed via automated Telefonica.

Tell you what, I honestly don't think there's any rhyme or rhythm to the way in which NDVO acts. Like you said it's just a matter of OFFICER opening our files and finalizing it. Now @Scorpman21 says that our files are processed FIFO meaning only April folks will be processed for now. How the heck did I move to IP2 then? CIO Analyst n program assistant have given their pass and as they usually do, toggled eligibility to not started according to my first GCMS notes.

I ordered a second set on Sep 10 hoping it would kick start some action and I am now praying for a random act of God to finish approval. I did have a tourist visa rejection from New York office waay back. Hoping that caused this internal request..

Also @wan11knu can you please post your timeline because it helps all of us ? Have you by any chance ordered gCMS ??
Hey Jack,
Do you remember any question asking us if we were refused a visa before in the forms you filled? I cannot recall any.