I have a question guys, please help!
I got my AOR on 12th march, app recieved January 07th. On March 16th, the sent an email saying the IMM 1344 had not been "correctly signed" by my husband. They also wrote in bold "For fastest service, please attache the require document in an e-mail and send it to...." So we did. He signed the form, scanned it and sent it to me, I signed the form, scanned it back and e-mailed it to them the same day, March 16th.
I have not heard anything from them after this. When I called CIC they tell me there is no update on my file, and she said that normally in these cases files would go back into queue, and now I may have to wait till March 16th Applications are processed and then get my SA? WHAT A LONG WAIT AGAIN!!!
So for those people who were in similar situations, how long did your SA take to come? I'm so freaking out right now!! ARGH :'(