Congratulations! ¡Felicidades!
Now that you are getting >< this close to the finish line, two things those of you who recently got your PPRs may want to think about is your B4/B4A (listing of goods you have owned, used, and possessed and will import). You turn in your B4/B4A when you first move to Canada for 12 months so that you can import all those goods duty and tax free at the time or at a future date. It can take some time because for electronics you need to list serial numbers and for jewelry you'll want to attach photos.
The other thing is, depending on the province you are moving to, you may need a driver's history. Basically an official document that says when you got your driver's licence and any history associated with it. This will help you skip the initial stages of getting DLs which have many restrictions (e.g., have to be accompanied with a driver who has more than 4 years of experience driving) by recognizing your prior driving history.
Anyway, you may realize this already but if not this can save you time and heartache later on...