Hi All,
I am new to this forum, Presently i am working in UAE (Indian) with my family, i am planning to migrate to Canada with in couple of years,
as my only son is diagnosed with Autism disorder. I am working in sales, my wife is in medical profession. By go through this forum i came to know that Edmonton - Calgary / Alberta is suitable for this Autism disorder kids (not the weather) schooling, my son is 5 yrs old. We only planning to migrate because of his future, as in India we tried, there is no any good reliable school and in UAE preference given to locals and not much schools and more over very expensive.
Any one knows personally about the matter, please advise me.
I do not have any idea about Canada, now a days i am reading this forum and getting information from Google. But most important a genuine answer from the people staying and experiencing about this matter in Canada.
Please share your experience and thoughts.
God Bless