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  1. A

    Montreal office, oath...

    Thanks, I hope yours comes through soon as well. I did not get an ecas update (still at line 4) but my neighbors did (they didn't get their letters yet though). I think either letter or online update should be enough to get you into the ceremony, but let's just say I'm very old school and like...
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    Montreal office, oath...

    Congrats Siar, just got the oath letter here too, and my 2 neighbors got theirs yesterday online. I think everyone's back from the Bahamas :) Ceremonies be movin' like crazy this and next month...
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    I got two oath invitation for same day

    Would you consider selling me 1 of them ? :rolleyes:
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    What's the difference between permanent residency and citizenship applications?

    One difference I find amusing is the calculation of physical presence. For example, an absence of 3 days on a PR renewal application may count as 4 days on a citizenship application. Of course, the online calculator will do the math for you in both cases, but why they are not as strict with PR...
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    Citizenship Question - Confused

    This is a bit off-topic, but your post made me read me further on technicalities and amendments to the Constitution. I just found out that Quebec never formally accepted the Constitution Act ! They even formed their own Charter of Rights and Freedoms (QCRF). The more you live, the more you learn :)
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    Citizenship Question - Confused

    It is easy to argue that the answer is the CMA (and I think it should be, based on the phrasing of the question) but I suggest you stick to the Discover Canada booklet which says it's the CCRF.
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    Proof of residency

    The usuals would be: - Driver's License - Health Card - Home rent agreements + receipts - Bank or Credit Card statements - Utility Bills (Cable TV, Internet, Phone) And a bunch of good folders you could put together would comprise: - Public Library card + book receipts - Public Transit...
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    Traveled to the US on my Nexus card for 2 days, but did not receive I-94. Is this a problem?

    Vicky, I understand that you've used your Nexus many times, but there is no such thing as "linking your I-94" to anything. An I-94 is now only issued if you cross by land. You make it sound like one is committing a crime by using the term "getting caught". People don't cross the border on their...
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    Police Certificate Requirement for Post C6

    You need to be a little more subtle in your reponses. Retaliation in the form of filibustering might make you believe you are 1 step closer to being an attorney at law, but your excessive commas, bolds and parentheses take away all the fun. "Probably, my sense, with the caveat,..." you keep...
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    police clearence for citzinship

    I'm not sure this would be a wise move. Here's my take on this: A few weeks before the interview I was reading quite a lot about being proactive with the police certificates. The US certificate requires that you do a fingerprint on a card and attach it to the request/payment form. That card has...
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    "Decision Made" but no timeline addition ?

    Could you please keep me posted on what happens ? Some friends who went through this situation last year told me this happens when there are no ceremony slots to place us in. If you think about it, it's a reasonable justification because the 5th line has to include an oath date. Maybe this is...
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    Traveled to the US on my Nexus card for 2 days, but did not receive I-94. Is this a problem?

    What trouble ? I can't even remember the number of times I crossed with an expired I-94/stamp. Yes, if you're crossing by land you'll have to park and drop in for a new one, but it's still a great alternative to the regular lanes especially if they're jammed up on a busy weekend.
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    "Decision Made" but no timeline addition ?

    Hi everyone, I applied back in Nov 2016 and passed the test this Feb. During the interview the IO asked me to get a police certificate from the US (although my trips totaled no more than 33 days in the last four years). She marked a check requesting this certificate on a CIT0520 and handed it...