hello guys.just a little update.i pick up my visa today ;D so dam happy.its finally over.just wanted to wish er body good luck.kingston is really moveing.
congrats kym,i know how u feel.
@mrslwsn no they didnt.but when i went last week i saw a few ppl that had to drop it off with the dhl paper.i asume that it was becuase they live so far.but im just like 15 minutes away
whats going on guys?
Just a little up date,i got a call on monday from the kgn office to bring in my docs.i did so yesterday.does anyone know if they will d.h.l it or i will have to pick it up back at the embassy?
yea she get it from day one.but dem just send a letter saying they need my signautre on some papers
why it says Interview........: waived on ur profile?
ok cause i went to the waterloo side to sign for my daughter passport but they sent me to trafalgar rd side.so i was thinking thats were we will be sent.thx for the info