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  1. M

    H&C Humanitarian Ground with/or Without Failed refugee claim

    My Laywer said you need to apply for reconsideration if it’s refused then apply for new application if you don’t apply for reconsideration your application go to same officer .
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    H&C Humanitarian Ground with/or Without Failed refugee claim

    Reconsideration sometime take 1 year sometime they don’t even open your reconsideration file sometime 4 month or 5 month
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    H&C Humanitarian Ground with/or Without Failed refugee claim

    You shouldn’t submit letter from back home the officer will say you have relatives back home they will support you. Bla bla
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    H&C Humanitarian Ground with/or Without Failed refugee claim

    Reconsideration will go to same officer ,when they refuse he will never change his decision, I’m sorry to say but you can try it’s like winning a lottery.
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    H&C Humanitarian Ground with/or Without Failed refugee claim

    You will receive your refusal note and will be shock to see how much effort this officer made to refuse you ,when the decision maker mindset is to refuse your application he will do his best to make his refusal note perfect to look reasonable.
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    H&C Humanitarian Ground with/or Without Failed refugee claim

    Question did you mention the officer that you have applied for judicial review in your reconsideration application? Please let me know.
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    H&C Humanitarian Ground with/or Without Failed refugee claim

    Hi Katayoon like other I'm a victim of lawyer's , I will not listen my lawyer I will submit a second H&C by myself . i have one question did your second H&C refusal was same or different refusal? it was same officer or different, just asking because you had 3 different h&c ,want to know if its...
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    H&C Humanitarian Ground with/or Without Failed refugee claim

    Today I just applied for legal aid certificate for my judicial review . I want to ask can I apply for legal aid certificate again for my second H&C application? teddy can you please tell me did you ask officer for reconsideration? how does it went? my lawyer want me to apply for judicial review...
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    H&C Humanitarian Ground with/or Without Failed refugee claim

    hi anyone know any good lawyer in toronto for H&C? please let me know thanks
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    H&C Humanitarian Ground with/or Without Failed refugee claim

    one more question , I waited two years for My h&c application. and i have friends here in canada and I don't have anyone back home in my country, it will effect me emotionally if I send back home because will be alone without friends. can officer consider this big argument?
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    H&C Humanitarian Ground with/or Without Failed refugee claim

    How long judicial review will take to process?
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    H&C Humanitarian Ground with/or Without Failed refugee claim

    You're right i need to strat doing it by myself , if i know how to write good in english i will never consult a lawyer and that time when i was in canada i didn't know nothing , just because of little mistake in my application cost me everything , and decistion make took this mistake against me...
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    H&C Humanitarian Ground with/or Without Failed refugee claim

    i know but what can i do? , if i don't file a judical review CBSA will be after me. my case was strong everything perfect but because of pandemic they refused it.
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    H&C Humanitarian Ground with/or Without Failed refugee claim

    My application got refused after years in process, it was in Niagara office but I got refusal from vancouver.
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    H&C Humanitarian Ground with/or Without Failed refugee claim

    how long it will take to process my second h&C application? is it true my second h&c application will be on hold because of judicial review ?
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    H&C Humanitarian Ground with/or Without Failed refugee claim

    Reconsideration refused , decision maker asked why those proof not submitted before when it was available. My case is based on hardship , best interest of child. but the biggest error was done by my lawyer she put pandemic a reason that i can't go which cost me that. i suggest everyone get a...
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    H&C Humanitarian Ground with/or Without Failed refugee claim

    hi decision maker is refused to reconsider my application. does he have authority to do that?
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    H&C Humanitarian Ground with/or Without Failed refugee claim

    choosing a good lawyer is very important , but remember if you send me your h&C file if I'm the officer , if my intention is to refuse your application i will try hard to question your argument or say you didn't satisfied me. also questioning your proof. most officer knows everything but act...
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    H&C Humanitarian Ground with/or Without Failed refugee claim

    no the officer asking for proof for everything. whatever my argument is he keep trying to question it. The funny thing is his refusal note was bigger then my humanitarian story haha