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  1. K


    Issue is that the course is one that you do at you own pace, you can sit the exam anytime you want up to 12 months.
  2. K


    While waiting for the application to be processed, does anyone know the best way to find out if a particular volunteering opportunity or a educational course is approved for some just on a visitors visa? Is there some way to contact the CIC to get confirmation? The people offering the course...
  3. K

    Liberal Government Changes - "Processing Duration Back To Pre Harper Times"

    Even 5-6 years back from my research, people who applied through the Sydney office quite often got theirs within 3-4 months.
  4. K

    Liberal Government Changes - "Processing Duration Back To Pre Harper Times"

    On the liberals website it says that since 2007, processing times for spouses and children have risen "70 percent"
  5. K

    Narratives for family class sponsorship

    For my personal one I just wrote about the steps in our relationship e.g met, started official dating, went on holiday, moved in together, proposed etc For the family and friends ones we're just getting a couple from parents saying how they knew about us dating, when they met me for the first...
  6. K

    Spousal sponsorship

    Whats the best way to organise photos? I'm thinking of printing 3-4 out to each page with captions. Is that alright or do they all have to be separate on actual photo paper?
  7. K

    Thread For applications Through SYDNEY (AUSTRALIA) Office

    Thats pretty quick, 4-5 months. Congrats!
  8. K

    Thread For applications Through SYDNEY (AUSTRALIA) Office

    NZ and Aus applicants, did you guys get your letters from family members or friends notarised? Or is it acceptable for NZers just to have a justice of peace stamp it?
  9. K

    Thread For applications Through SYDNEY (AUSTRALIA) Office

    In one of the forms it asks if you have a national identity document, you can say no so I'm presuming thats what you guys did.
  10. K

    Thread For applications Through SYDNEY (AUSTRALIA) Office

    I might have to ring up there help line as see what they say,I was thinking maybe birth certificate or IRD number but neither have an expiry date of course.
  11. K

    Thread For applications Through SYDNEY (AUSTRALIA) Office

    What is a 'national identity document' for us NZers? I traded my NZ drivers licence in for a Canadian one so can't use that.
  12. K

    Should we wait?

    Americans for the most part are processed through Ottawa. The data on this website seems to indicate around 8-10 months for USA applicants. EDIT Whoops, just saw that was already pointed out.
  13. K

    Number of undertakings help - IMM 5481

    Yeah this part confused me too. I'm being sponsered by my wife so in my case if someone could confirm it should be 4. Yourself 1 5.a) Current undertakings 1 7. Total number 2 Is this correct?
  14. K

    Option C Form

    OSAP isn't social assistance, you have to pay it back.
  15. K

    Ontario Marriage Certificate

    Really hoping they take my proof of urgency into account.
  16. K

    Ontario Marriage Certificate

    Bumping again, people who got theirs quicker than the 10 weeks, when checking your order status online did it update after a few weeks saying the marriage had been registered and the certificate was being processed? Or did it continue just to say 'wait the 10 weeks before checking your status'...
  17. K

    Spousal sponsorship

  18. K

    Spousal sponsorship

    For the principal applicant when it asks for 'number of years of education in total' is it my whole schooling or my years in total at highest level of education eg University?
  19. K

    Police check

    For any other country you've lived in for more than 6 months.
  20. K

    Canadian Police Certificate?

    I just found this on their website http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?q=037&t=4 So I guess they just request it if they want to? Rather than having to include one with my original application.