Hey seniors,
Tomorow i am going to apply under 4152 FSW, hope soon i can join to this thread, can u give an idea what will be the next step/// when the applicatio will reach,, how they respond to my application
Thank you guys for your help, tomorrow i am going to send my applications. i have a doubt---- there is lots of paper , do i have to just make order the paper according to cheklist and put that in mentioned envelop with out staple them?
Thank you for your reply i have one more doubt regarding dependent children
My wife is pregnant her due is on Decempber: should i give new baby's information to the CIO and add additional proof of fund. but we are not planned to take the child with us if we got the visa. if so it will be...
Regarding PCC
since last four years i am working in another state should i get Police clearance Certi from there..... i got PCC from my home town were the passport is issued is that enough?.... i cannot produce PCC from were i am working is there any probs?....pls reply
In the background declaration form - Education-Type of certificate issuded--the space is not enough,,while typing in the additional sheet should i repeat all the information like from =to -institution etc---or is abbrevation enough like MBA,MSW
:( Regarding PCC
since last four years i am working in another state should i get Police clearance Certi from there..... i got PCC from my home town were the passport is issued is that enough?.... i cannot produce PCC from were i am working is there any probs?....pls reply
I would like to apply my application on 13 October with my spouse, my wife is pregnant=her due is on december-how can i apply for the child too,will there be any delay in processing time due to that
In the Background declaration form---Personal history have to mention street and Number----i have only street name no ID----normally we dont use a street Number--wat to do
Thank you Awai ali for ur reply,,,,i have some more doubts
1.Addition family information form (complete all names in english & in ur native language)---Hand written is enough?
2 Supplymentary info travel IMM5562 FORM- I cannot type in computer, that too enough in hand written? ------They are...
Plese help me,, i would like to apply by this october 15 under FSW, my doubt is i want to attach additional sheet to add my information can i use a plain paper with my name and form no. ... or i must take the same application form and write the balance....
For writing names in native...
hey guys i am planning to give application on15 october 2011, i have one doube that is regarding certification.
i am from India i certified my certificate with the help of a gazatted teacher but i noticed in cio that;
Outside Canada:
a judge
a magistrate
a notary public
an officer of a...