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  1. Irishladyloo

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Yes, I really hope it is good news! I'm fairly certain they will be contacting our lawyer regarding the decision (though ecas says "We will contact [Irishladyloo] regarding this decision," so who knows?). However, if we don't hear from them by next Friday, I will have him send an email on our...
  2. Irishladyloo

    September 2011 - Here we go!

    We changed to 'Decision Made' last night! Now we're just waiting to see what happens next. Not sure if I'll get a PPR or just a COPR (as some in London have been getting). We shall see! Either way, I am very excited that things are moving!!
  3. Irishladyloo

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Decision made!! Aaaaaaaaah! I've just about wet me knickers. Now to wait for the email/letter/singing telegram/text message/whatever they've decided on using to notify me... Sadly, my boyfriend chose this weekend to go away snowboarding with his mates so bar my beautiful boardsy friends I have...
  4. Irishladyloo

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Ahhh! Amazing!! Congratulations! I'm assuming EVERYONE on the boards is invited, yes?
  5. Irishladyloo

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Okay, I get where you're coming from now. As far as proof goes, I would say they might accept an email thread from you to your ex-wife requesting for the medical to be done. She will either respond with yes/no, and that will be it. If they haven't specified as to what kind of proof (such as...
  6. Irishladyloo

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Hi dancanman, I hope someone can answer your question with a bit more authority. Having not been in this situation, I cannot say for sure how this will play out. However, I can tell you that when filing my own application (my boyfriend is the sponsor and I am the principal applicant with no...
  7. Irishladyloo

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Not sure if I did it right, but I sent you a PM re coffee! If you didn't get it, let me know. :)
  8. Irishladyloo

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    That is so, so rotten! NEITHER of our names are on the directory (we have our mailing address for me as our lawyer's office here in T.O., so that shouldn't be an issue -- though you never know) but we're ALWAYS missing packages. Esp. from Fedex/DHL who won't phone us and ask to buzz them up...
  9. Irishladyloo

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    I know, I just have to be patient and stay cheerful. Really, in the grand scheme of things, it's not that long to wait -- not like some people who applied over a year ago! I hope I don't end up like one of those people... I feel like such a spoiled brat complaining, because I'm already living...
  10. Irishladyloo

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    I'm so envious. We entered 'in process' on the same day as you, the only difference being I was then issued a RPRF because our stupid lawyer didn't tell us we could pay this up front. She actually didn't tell us anything, just, "The fees are all paid." Was so peed off to get that little document...
  11. Irishladyloo

    September 2011 - Here we go!

    You're the first person (that I can see on the spreadsheet, at least) who applied through London after us, but has been approved before us. I am officially disheartened!! :'( I'm so jealous! :P Tell the border control people I say hi!!!
  12. Irishladyloo

    Need Help!

    Can't speak for any other country, but when I applied for my police certificate it said, "This is to certify that [Irishladyloo] was not convicted of any crimes while living in Ireland at the following addresses...." So, I'm assuming since you were not convicted of anything, you will be fine...
  13. Irishladyloo

    September 2011 - Here we go!

    Check out this spreadsheet of people who applied in September 2011. You can check out the other Buffalo applicants and see where they're at right now. :) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?hl=pt_BR&hl=pt_BR&key=0AiC-KtMXsuZsdHktLTFIVFZIQ0xKMU9jWUFLQU9RTHc&output=html
  14. Irishladyloo

    September 2011 - Here we go!

    Yay, Quince!! Promise you won't forget about us when you're big, famous and a landed immigrant?
  15. Irishladyloo

    September 2011 - Here we go!

    Hurray!! :D Good for you! Hopefully things will speed along from here.
  16. Irishladyloo

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Congratulations and good tip on the military police check! It's so frustrating when things that you weren't aware of slow you down but so easily could have taken care of when you applied.
  17. Irishladyloo

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    I wish we'd been as lucky! Faxed the receipt the day we received the RPRF, emailed a copy the next morning and mailed it yesterday evening. I have staggered my delivery options to ensure maximum bombardment. Hopefully CPC-M will get it to London faster that way ... :P
  18. Irishladyloo

    Common Law partner after 1 year on Experience Canada Visa

    As far as conjugal vs. common-law is concerned, of course, you know what's best for you. The only information you gave in your initial post was that you and your girlfriend were about to live together for the first time. I always try not to assume anything from reading people's posts so I was...
  19. Irishladyloo

    Common Law partner after 1 year on Experience Canada Visa

    As far as I know, Conjugal Partnership is the most difficult to prove, so you should consider that before you decide to go that route. If you are applying in-land (and I assume you are, since you're talking about implied status/work permits during the application), please know that it takes...
  20. Irishladyloo

    Work Permit During Spouse Sponsorship process

    Someone needs to give Robsluv a medal, or at least a gold star!