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  1. picklee

    Working in canada

  2. picklee

    IRCC Discussion Session for International Students

    I have been invited to participate in a discussion session with IRCC about my experience immigrating to Canada as an international student. I will of course share my own thoughts, but I wonder if there might be other things on people’s minds that I could share?
  3. picklee

    Child tax benefit outside of Canada?

    By law, it is no more than 10 years. But this depends on if you have taken any actions to settle the debt, which resets the clock. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/about-canada-revenue-agency-cra/when-you-money-collections-cra/collections-limitation-period.html
  4. picklee

    Retaining US phone number in Canada

    According to FCC rules, you may not be able to port your number to VoIP service unless you can maintain a billing address in the US. In other words, you cannot port your number if you are changing your geographic locale, even for wireless service...
  5. picklee

    What am I supposed to enter in regard to work experience when i create an EE profile?

    Maybe someone else can answer this, but when I applied about a year ago, I don’t remember entering hourly rate. I think it was just dates, NOC, and hours. The other details are usually confirmed by a reference letter written by your employer.
  6. picklee

    What am I supposed to enter in regard to work experience when i create an EE profile?

    You need to provide more information about your situation if you want a useful response. Though the answer is fairly obvious, isn’t it? You enter employment details about work experience that you wish to claim points for.
  7. picklee

    Retaining US phone number in Canada

    If you dig deeper into the terms of their North American plan, it says that more than 50% of your useage every three months must be from a T-mobile cell tower. Unless you travel frequently or live very close to the border/major US urban area, this is unlikely to be a long term solution. Better...
  8. picklee

    RQ versus Physical Presence Questionnaires, including CIT 0205

    Seems unlikely that IRCC would invest too much in employing risk criteria to pre-limit the pool that PPQ are issued for. I can see them reasonably being able to automatically assess for things like date, location or application inconsistnecies, but I would imagine more risk assessment happens...
  9. picklee

    RQ and Quality Assurance mystery solved

    This is a common misconception among the public about random sampling. Systematic random sampling with regular intervals is actually widely used and is considered statistically random with respect to some populations. In this case, there is no expectation that the order of applicants follows...
  10. picklee

    Is it misrepresentation?

    The pricinple of Occam’s Razor doesn’t always apply to government or law. The fact that the OP did not correctly report his citizenship on an IMMIGRATION application raises some serious red flags. At worst, this mistake could cause OP to lose PR and/or be barred from immigration. Most likely, OP...
  11. picklee


    Have you searched online? This is pretty basic information.
  12. picklee

    Scope of 390 POINTS in EE pool

    Your chances are very poor. There are at least 50,000+ candidates ahead of you. People under 400 are usually trying to improve language scores, so it is a very competitive part of the CRS distribution. The 4-6 month timeframe that @jackdawn mentioned is also approximately the time scale that...
  13. picklee

    TA/RA Experience

    Unfortunately, your friend is not eligible to apply for PR under those circumstances as he does not have the required work experience. TA/RA work experience only counts toward FSW if it was outside of Canada. In other words, it is impossible to get credit for TA/RA-ships inside Canada. Best...
  14. picklee

    TA/RA Experience

    What you have quoted applies only to CEC. The “section” is #15 Canadian Work Experience (i.e., CEC), and you have quoted sub paragraph 7(a) of section 15. If you scroll way down to section #25, you will find the requirements for Foreign Work Experience (i.e., FSW).
  15. picklee

    TA/RA Experience

    Requirements for CEC are different from FSW. Under FSW, work experience as a TA/RA can be counted only if it was outside of Canada. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=855&top=6
  16. picklee

    Proof of settlement funds

    Generally, the six months of bank statements are to ensure that your funds didn’t just appear out of thin air because you applied for PR (i.e., a loan or a gift). However, as long as you can prove that the money is yours without conditions or obligations, then you will be ok.
  17. picklee

    Are primary and dependant applicants needed to travel together for PR stamping?

    You do not need to travel together. However, as the primary applicant, you must land before your dependents.
  18. picklee

    Need help with Photo Specification

    Yes and the requirement is the same for PR and most other visa applications.
  19. picklee

    Need help with Photo Specification

    It means two copies (prints) of the same photo.
  20. picklee

    Help with pr requirements

    You do not need to wait to apply for PR and the 3 week’s out of the country will not affect PR. You can get into the EE pool now in order to get the ITA. In the meantime, you should be gathering all your supporting documents, so that when you get the ITA you can apply immediately. Since your...