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  1. ani.lk

    SOWP 2020

    Yaay, I got my ICT WP approved as well... All the best to everyone
  2. ani.lk

    SOWP 2020

    Congratulations, whats your timeline?
  3. ani.lk

    Work permit delay in visa processing

    Is it an online application or paper-based? And have you received your biometrics correspondence letter?
  4. ani.lk

    Processing time for ICT work permit

    They started processing online applications. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/notices/ircc-resumes-processing-1-july-2020.html
  5. ani.lk

    Processing time for ICT work permit

    Nothing yet. What's your time line?
  6. ani.lk

    Work Permit and PR

    I think PR process will take more time to complete. Since your ICT WP is expiring soon, better apply for WP extension first so that you can be in Canada and while your WP extension is in progress, you can start your PR process as well (Collecting all required documents, profile creation...
  7. ani.lk

    Foreign workers who's file is being processed at NDVO(New Delhi Visa Office/Embassy)

    Nothing except biometrics correspondence letter today.
  8. ani.lk

    Correspondence letter

    Any idea if they are processing paper applications?
  9. ani.lk

    Correspondence letter

    What's the update on your application?
  10. ani.lk

    Foreign workers who's file is being processed at NDVO(New Delhi Visa Office/Embassy)

    Did they mention "If you have applied for a temporary resident visa, PRTD, study or work permit through the visa applications centre (VAC) or online and your application is in process at the mission, it will remain ON HOLD." Does it mean both paper and online applications are on hold? btw today...
  11. ani.lk

    Transcript from VTU to WES

    Is it WES ICAP or WES BASIC that we get by default? If ICAP, have you received WES Digital Badge?
  12. ani.lk

    Foreign workers who's file is being processed at NDVO(New Delhi Visa Office/Embassy)

    They took 3 days to respond to my query.
  13. ani.lk

    Foreign workers who's file is being processed at NDVO(New Delhi Visa Office/Embassy)

    You can check contact details here https://www.international.gc.ca/country-pays/india-inde/new_delhi.aspx?lang=eng
  14. ani.lk

    How long after receiving the correspondence letter for biometrics, do you receive an answer?

    They started processing online applications, if you applied online then you can get some updates. If it is paper based then they are ON HOLD until further notice.
  15. ani.lk


    All latest notifications you can check at https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/notices.html
  16. ani.lk

    Foreign workers who's file is being processed at NDVO(New Delhi Visa Office/Embassy)

    I recently contacted and got below the response from Delhi Canada High Commission. Applications submitted through the Visa Application Centre (VAC) Please be advised that if you have applied for a temporary resident visa, study or work permit through the visa applications centre (VAC) and your...
  17. ani.lk

    Foreign workers who's file is being processed at NDVO(New Delhi Visa Office/Embassy)

    My ICT Work Permit timeline 6th March: Medicals are done. 11th March: Submitted offline application, Biometrics, and passport at VFS Bengaluru. 22nd March: I was able to link offline to online only after 22nd March. 20th June: Saw a ghost update(1) on the CIC website and when checked, the last...
  18. ani.lk

    Processing time line post medicals for WP

    If you applied online, you check the status by login into CIC website. If it is paper-based, you can link your offline to online application and track the progress. Usually, it can take up to a month to process the medicals and they'll update your application status accordingly.
  19. ani.lk

    Work permit delay in visa processing

    Any updates to your application guys? I saw something called ghost updates in my application last week but no updates since then. I would like to know if anyone's application is processed who applied in March 2020, in India (probably from VFS Bengaluru).