I understand. One of my friends wanted to come and I am already taking my wife. So, was wondering if I can take another person.
Usually, for graduation ceremonies, they issue passes and it's very limited mostly two or three. That's why I asked.
What do you mean?
LOL. No. They will just ask you the original documents like Driver's licence, health card, your PR card, your passport. They will verify the stamps with the dates on your physical presence calculator sheet.
What he meant was to transit through US, you need either US Visa or Canadian Passport. So, if he is able to get Canadian passport soon, he can book that ticket and travel through US.
No. I am sorry to disagree. They don't say it's an average or mean or median.
They say they try to process most of the applications (80%) within the time frame.
If you just do a graph on the tracker data, you will see that. People who cross normal processing time is very less.
I wrote my test on 24th in Ottawa. And looking at the data, ceremonies on fridays, I thought my ceremony will be on Aug 16th (Ironically, my birthday).
I will let you know when I receive.
I am not the owner of it. I and few others help updating the data. I shall enter yours. Please provide:
1. User ID
2. Location
3. App. Type: Single / Family
4. Physical Presence Days
5. App. Sent Date:
6. App Received Date:
7. AOR Date:
8. In Process Date:
9. FP Request Date:
10. FP Submission Date: