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  1. K

    November 2018 AOR - Join here

    Thanks, I'll probably do that around 130 days from AOR, and 3 weeks from my last call. Hope that's enough time to see some movement.
  2. K

    November 2018 AOR - Join here

    At this point I'm not even sure if I should order new notes or when should I do it. I spoke to an agent last week and she said all the same that's in the notes, so I know there was no update since I've ordered them.
  3. K

    November 2018 AOR - Join here

    Hi, my AOR is Nov 3rd. Nothing like that anywhere in the notes. My application have not been touched since Nov 30th when R10 was done and Criminally started. Everything else on the notes is computer generated. They've been moving it from Vancuver to Calgary, and back to Van and back to...
  4. K

    November 2018 AOR - Join here

    Hi, I've ordered on Jan 19th. Since it was Saturday, they count it from Jan 21st. So it's 29 days today.
  5. K

    November 2018 AOR - Join here

    I guess that make sense. Was going notes will show something more :) its 123 pg of nothing substantial. Changed a few offices and that's it. Like no one wants to touch it:eek:
  6. K

    November 2018 AOR - Join here

    It says R10 OK, Recommendation: pass. But I still dont understand how they dont mention reference letter and paystubs in this part. Isn't that like the most important part for CEC.
  7. K

    November 2018 AOR - Join here

    Me to! Only thing I can think of is that they required something from my home country which is a shithole and known to be slow... other than that I have no idea. There's a mention of RCMP - no reportable trace INFO sharing : complete
  8. K

    November 2018 AOR - Join here

    Got my notes today: Eligibility not started Criminality: in progress Security: not started Funny part is the R10 check doesn't mention my work experience at all. They've noted doc received for Education, Police Certificate, Medical... buy nothing about reference letter and paystubs. I's...
  9. K

    November 2018 AOR - Join here

    Yap, it's the same thing
  10. K

    November 2018 AOR - Join here

    I belive Biometrics are needed for applicants after Dec 31st 2018 You can find more infor here: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/campaigns/biometrics/facts.html
  11. K

    October 2018 AOR - join here

    Can you please elaborate? It's super scary to hear that it is possible to get rejected after so long. Would you please share more details about the reason? Thank you.
  12. K

    November 2018 AOR - Join here

    Hi, I believe you need to raise a CSE and let them know. You should also upload all the relevant documents. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=052&top=3
  13. K

    November 2018 AOR - Join here

    Hi, I did couple of weeks ago and I didn't upload anything. It's completely optional.
  14. K

    November 2018 AOR - Join here

    For me it means I'm not calling anymore :D They are traumatizing me! I think next time they will tell me they've lost my application :p
  15. K

    November 2018 AOR - Join here

    Thank you guys for the words of support. This was a long and stressful week. I choose to believe that R10 is done and everything will be fine :) Will let you know when I get the notes;)
  16. K

    November 2018 AOR - Join here

    Yap asked with both wording- Was initial assessment done? She said no, not started, well be done after BG Then again I asked: So R10 have not been completed? She said no. Maybe I just got a confused newbie who just sounded confident :D
  17. K

    November 2018 AOR - Join here

    Your agent is not completely right. Notes are generated from your file and under the Privacy Act you have a right to see what's going on in your file. I work for Federal Gov so I know how it's done. The problem is that ppl outside of Canda cant order them directly and use the agency...
  18. K

    November 2018 AOR - Join here

    That's what I hope for, that the agent just wasn't right. I explicitly asked for R10 and she said not done....
  19. K

    October 2018 AOR - join here

    I know, that's why I'm worried. Two agents told me the same. I still hope GSMC notes will show something different . Hope to get them next week
  20. K

    November 2018 AOR - Join here

    I did , on Jan 19. Hope to get them by the end of next week. I'll order new ones after. I'm terrified