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  1. Applechunks

    Decision MADE

    I got a PPR by email about 3-4 weeks after Decision Made. I was panicking a bit too, but everything progressed well after DM...just took some time! P.S. Congrats on DM!!
  2. Applechunks

    Permanent residency request sent by CIC to London instead of Paris office

    Yes, exactly right. I was about to post the same.
  3. Applechunks

    Can i adopt my niece and nephew and sponsor them

    Although you love them and want the best for them, this would be considered an adoption of convenience. CIC would do the background checks and establish that fairly easily.
  4. Applechunks

    About Had It.

    Ponga, I'm always a fan of your posts.
  5. Applechunks


    Congrats on making progress!
  6. Applechunks

    Photos for proof of relationship - how did you do it?

    I did the same as floomy, printed the photos and wrote a blurb. Many people put 4 photos to a page in a word document and type an explanation. Either is acceptable. As long as you don't put pics in albums or frames or on memory card!!
  7. Applechunks

    Thread For applications Through SYDNEY (AUSTRALIA) Office

    Got COPR today! So happy to NEARLY be at the end. Hope it gets moving for everyone else soon, too.
  8. Applechunks


    COPR received today!! So excited, I can see the end.
  9. Applechunks

    Outland Visa application - working status

    Here you go: http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/thread-for-outland-london-uk-applications-t49436.0.html;msg4229212#msg4229212 There are also several threads talking about the London wait times.
  10. Applechunks

    Outland Visa application - working status

    It's not so much that you can't travel, if however you are denied re-entry to Canada for any reason then your inland app can be cancelled because you are no longer in canada. The open work permit (OWP) is only an option with inland applications. In regard to London processing times, the 29...
  11. Applechunks

    Hey guys, just a bit of advice

    We sent our application in late October and should have COPR next week. 5 months for decision made. Sydney is really quick.
  12. Applechunks

    IRS Question

    While I understand that you are trying to help people, Rebecca. Your methods and tone are appalling. You continually belittle people that may not grasp this very complicated situation as well as you do. You claim to be an "HR professional" yet your interactions with people border on bullying at...
  13. Applechunks

    Query regarding the period between lodging the forms and permanent residency.

    Hi Dave, If you are on facebook we have a little group for Aussie applicants and their partners (and kiwis too!). https://www.facebook.com/groups/730074400442960/
  14. Applechunks


    Thinking of you Ottawa guys, everything seems to have slowed there significantly. :(
  15. Applechunks

    Options for family class sponsorship. All input is welcome.

    Given that you are an American/Canadian couple there is virtually no chance that you will be able to apply and be successful under a conjugal application. There are no barriers to you going to the US and living with her for 12 months and making common law or marrying her. Conjugal is used where...
  16. Applechunks

    Upfront medical or wait ?!?!

    That's not true, it would just delay the application if CIC need to ask for the medical.
  17. Applechunks

    problem regarding five-years bar as a sponsor

    I copied and pasted directly from CIC website. The way I read this bulletin is that anybody who is a sponsored person after March 2nd 2012 will immediately have this 5 year bar applied and anybody sponsored prior to that will not....unless they lose their PR status and are sponsored again after...
  18. Applechunks

    problem regarding five-years bar as a sponsor

    CIC says this: The amendment, which came into force on March 2, 2012 upon registration, bars a previously-sponsored spouse or partner, from sponsoring a spouse or partner within five years of becoming a PR even if the sponsor acquired citizenship during that period. Other members of the family...
  19. Applechunks

    Petitions for Outland !

    Spot on!
  20. Applechunks

    getting a loan for application?

    If you have such an issue with randoms who think they have all the answers online, why would you come to a user driven forum to seek answers?? The way you respond to people is awful, I hope you don't behave that way in your normal life. People on here provide assistance, for the most part out...