I think september and october applicants are almost done. Some november pnes too... be readynovember and december applicants. I think cic has sped up. I think nov and dec willget decision in januaru
Dude call cbsa office and ask if you dont believe me. Ok. You just have to go to cbsa office. Thats it. Doesnt mattet where. I m pretty sure bcoz my friend just got landed at winnipeg airport and he just drovethere.
dont worry man,,,,, read the rules here, you will get the answer....
we ve more important stuff to discuss here
odd.. most of november applicants got medical in october.
Did you apply for your family as well? I think you applied for your spoude too.... they give priority to the files with spouses. Applicants with spouses who applied in february 2016 got decision made today too...
Its like crime to be...