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  1. mark12345680

    ************December 2020****************AoR Join here

    Yes I have. The letter also includes the address where I should send the HK PCC.
  2. mark12345680

    AOR December 2020 - Join here

    Medical passed: January 11 Biometric request: January 11 Progress bar: 23%
  3. mark12345680

    ************December 2020****************AoR Join here

    Medical passed: January 11 Biometric request: January 11 Progress bar: 23%
  4. mark12345680

    ************December 2020****************AoR Join here

    Doesn't hurt to add them, at least I did
  5. mark12345680

    AOR December 2020 - Join here

    I have a similar timeline, ITA Sep 30, medical early Oct and AOR on Dec 2. Our medical should be good for 12months. No worries
  6. mark12345680

    ************December 2020****************AoR Join here

    Make a screenshot when it shows up again. If the officer somehow missed the LOE field, you can raise a webform and send him the screen shot and say, hey I've uploaded the LOEs, its the system bug that may have caused you to miss the LOE.
  7. mark12345680

    ************December 2020****************AoR Join here

    Log in to the submitted document page, keep pressing F5, the LOE field will show up eventually. Take a screenshot when it shows up
  8. mark12345680

    ************December 2020****************AoR Join here

    Subscribing Category: FSW outland AOR: December 2, 2020 Nationality: UK Country of residence: Hong Kong
  9. mark12345680

    working hour per week missing in the employment reference letter

    Does the employment contract state the number of working hours per week? If so, attach that when you submit your application with an LOE explaining the situation.
  10. mark12345680

    AOR December 2020 - Join here

    Subscribing AOR: December 2, 2020 Category: FSW outland Nationality: UK Country of residence: Hong Kong Upfront medical
  11. mark12345680

    IQAS ECA timeline tracking

    I requested for an ECA from both WES and IQAS cus I was hoping to get an ITA before my ielts expire. Turned out the WES ECA came back 2 days before my ITA. Apparently, IQAS takes much longer to get the evaluation done. The report from IQAS will not be used in my application at all. Btw, I don't...
  12. mark12345680

    IQAS ECA timeline tracking

    Date submitted: September 4 Application received: September 11 Finished: November 17 Country of education: The Netherlands
  13. mark12345680

    Hong Kong Police Certificate

    As part of business resumption priorities, IRCC has allocated resources to speed up processing of permanent residence applications, including for family sponsorship. This will benefit Hong Kong applicants. Spouses or common-law partners who have applied for permanent residence from within Canada...
  14. mark12345680

    Is it necessary to list all work history?

    You don’t claim points for the 2-month work. List it under personal history. Don’t listen to the guy above
  15. mark12345680

    eAPR personal checklist, questionnaire didn't prompt a field to upload police certificate of home country?

    Hey fsw_hk, I got a follow up question about proof of funds, how "recent" should the bank letter be? For instance, if the letter is dated Oct 9, 2020, is it best to submit within 2 weeks after the letter is issued? Thanks :)
  16. mark12345680

    Express entry refusal - Urgent Help needed

    You claimed points for masters when in fact evaluated as a post graduate diploma.. you can’t salvage this application but you can always send your mba to a different credential evaluation agent for a second evaluation, hopefully it will be recognized as a masters
  17. mark12345680

    WES ECA Timeline 2020

    Does anyone know if WES is still sending hard copy reports? I thought I’ve seen somewhere that they aren’t because of covid situation(?)
  18. mark12345680

    eAPR personal checklist, questionnaire didn't prompt a field to upload police certificate of home country?

    HSBC asks for $300, I wonder why your fee is much steeper.. $800 is for 2 person?
  19. mark12345680

    eAPR personal checklist, questionnaire didn't prompt a field to upload police certificate of home country?

    That's a good suggestion. May I ask if you used the Hong Kong webform or the general webform? HK: https://secure.cic.gc.ca/enquiries-renseignements/case-cas-eng.aspx?mission=hong%20kong&_ga=1.184637609.1611957529.1432088521 General...