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  1. N

    BEIRUT Family Class Applications sent to Mississauga then BEIRUT 2012

    Hey Nono, your armenian? I guessed from your email address! lol! I just wanted to tell you that you are on the road to getting your visa, this is a sure sign that they have your file open and just want the final pieces to stamp that passport!! I just wanted to ask what your timeline was, how...
  2. N

    BEIRUT Family Class Applications sent to Mississauga then BEIRUT 2012

    Oh that is very good news!! Thank-you so much for sharing!! I feel like any news about the embassy working is so uplifting!! You guys we need a lot of patience for this process, they are working and our loves ones will get the visas soon and we will be reunited! I'm at 15 months now!! :(
  3. N

    BEIRUT Family Class Applications sent to Mississauga then BEIRUT 2012

    Sweety, I believe that this is good news!! Think positive!! I am thinknig positive for you :) :) You are almost there, they have your file open, this is great!!! :D :D
  4. N

    BEIRUT Family Class Applications sent to Mississauga then BEIRUT 2012

    They send mine from Damascus to Beirut June 7 also! I got my B number when I emailed syria last year asking for some info. Best of luck!!
  5. N

    BEIRUT Family Class Applications sent to Mississauga then BEIRUT 2012

    Omg awesome awesome awesome!!!!! :) :) :) :) Good luck!!!!!
  6. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Wow! First of all the people that answer know nothing!! They just say whatever they want to, and her saying that to that ppl have waited 5 years is her being a smart mouth!! So disregard this, and keep positive! Don't waste your thought on them :D :D
  7. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Thats true about the price of the ticket, it is SO expensive now! Atleast you guys know you have your visa and in september you will be reunited :) :) Congrats!!!
  8. N

    BEIRUT Family Class Applications sent to Mississauga then BEIRUT 2012

    i called CIC in toronto and they were able to tell me that my file was received in lebanon on June 7! :/ so maybe all of you guys can try calling to! good luck!! have a good long weekend, try not to think of this issue, who knows this summer they can have a 'visa boom' ;)
  9. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Happy Wednesday everyone!! So I called CIC yesterday here in Toronto and I asked them if they can give me any information about my husbands file in Lebanon, and they told me that my file reached Lebanon June 7 and that my medicals have been received. June 7??? Oh man :( It got to Damascus...
  10. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Congrats Jayj!!! I am so happy for you guys!!!! Thank you for the wishes for us to get our ppr soon!! You are DONE this nightmare, and for that I am so happy for you guys!!!!
  11. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Hi Lele, oh i miss lebanon :( but i left at a good time, hear you guys have zero electricty :( God be with u guys!! And yes, he said the third country was Iran, due to the closure of the embassy there, I know its not actually useful info that i'm sharing, but i felt like i needed to share it! I...
  12. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Hi everyone!! Hope everyone is great!! So i went to the Canadian embassy last week in Lebanon, after 20 min of saying I wanted to speak to someone so they can actually tell me what is going on, they brought the head of secuirty a canadian gentleman. He was very respectful (my husband and I were...
  13. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Hello everyone from sunny Lebanon :)) its so great to be back with my hubby, it feels like we were never apart :)))!! We are thinking of going to the embassy Wednesday morning (we are at 14 months!) hope everyone has a great week and hears really good news!!! Xoxo
  14. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Thank-you missmini and Lele!! Just so anxious to get there :D :D
  15. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Oh missmini, your positivity is so infectious!! Thats true, tomorrow is another day!! :D And i'm excited cause i'm going to Lebanon tmr :D :D
  16. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Hab, great news!!! Your wife will be getting visa very soon! Great thing you went to the embassy! I'm going to Lebanon on Thursday and i'm at 14 months, and i'm contemplating wheter or not I should go in!! Arezou!! Welcome Home!!! Yes the weather is very bad here in Toronto the past few days...
  17. N

    BEIRUT Family Class Applications sent to Mississauga then BEIRUT 2012

    I just read your previous posts! You guys have three kids! I ammm soooo happy for you guys!!! Waiting this long, I am sure you and your kids are on cloud nine now!! Congratulations again!!
  18. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Woo hoo!! Alf mabroook!! And yes they are working!!! Can you please tell me what is your exact timeline?? I'm going to see my hubby next week, hope we hear good news when i am there :D :D
  19. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    There is no priority on one thing over the other, its ALL a waiting game and luck--its whos hands your application went into, so stop trying to build a theory, cause it wont work! :D Btw, Hab, are you leaving for Lebanon tmr? Inshalla I leave in two weeks but I am a little worried because of...
  20. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Nope, nothing! Every morning my husband and I talk, and I always ask, 'SO did they call?!?!'..i think i just need to let go of it and maybe ill hear something good! Have a great long weekend everyone, extra sunny here in Toronto :D :D