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  1. sterileinjection

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    ;D heartly congradulations who received their PER.stay blessed 8) cheerzzzz ;)
  2. sterileinjection

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    lubob thanks for yr posts to feel everybody special on this forum.keep it up and +1 from my side 8)
  3. sterileinjection

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    ;D cogratss buddy.good luck ahead
  4. sterileinjection

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    congratsss zelda82,valeto,67points,ssaansari for PER. ;D hope i wll get my PER soooonnnnn.InshAllah. good luck guys 8)
  5. sterileinjection

    Pharmacist : 3131

    congratsss buddy.good luck for PER ;D.
  6. sterileinjection

    Pharmacist : 3131

    ;D a very warm well come .InshAllah yr application will be counted.good luck
  7. sterileinjection

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    congratsss and good luck buddy 8)
  8. sterileinjection

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    congratsss sweet dreams. and good luck 8)
  9. sterileinjection

    "DUBAI APPLICANTS" **Let's Network & Get Connected**

    very soonnnnn InshAllah... ;D. dont give up 8) cheerrrzzzz
  10. sterileinjection

    Pharmacist : 3131

    r ;D good luck buddy.no worries at all.a very bright future is waiting for u InshAllah.stay positive 8). cheerzzzz
  11. sterileinjection

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    :D congratssss....good luck for PER.hope my turn wll come soonnnnn ???
  12. sterileinjection

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    so sorry to hear that.but buddy dont give up.good luck next time
  13. sterileinjection

    september 2011 applicants please join this thread.

    thanks abishek and farrukh ;D.all the best guys regards
  14. sterileinjection

    "DUBAI APPLICANTS" **Let's Network & Get Connected**

    very informative.thanks for sharing SATDXB ;D
  15. sterileinjection

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    congratsss satish77,clear cool and poosie and well come ;D
  16. sterileinjection

    File number to be received from visa office or cic, sydney?

    thanks buddy. :D.and hope so mitali wouldn't mind ;)