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  1. lino82

    Ray of Hope - 72nd Draw

    thank you for your super kind words buddy...this ray of hope has been a wonderful chain of many golden links and now you may not be seeing those better shining ones from the past...I'm just another one plain link and trying my bit when I can... frankly I still will be in debt of many here on the...
  2. lino82

    Ray of Hope - 72nd Draw

    Now what...you had 18 months of break or couple of weeks of break ;)? ...it is just for you to decide ... :)..glass is always half empty for you to fill in more,for those who look for the opportunity... you could say,fine,the vacation is over,and time to get back into business and put off ur...
  3. lino82

    Ray of Hope - 72nd Draw

    The best way to stop smoking is to stop trying to **QUIT** instead,just try postponing the next smoke by an hour ...to afternoon or evening ...then a day ....then day after tomorrow... like a child keeps his treat for the last,keep ur smoke for end of the day or for your week end...and if you...
  4. lino82

    Ray of Hope - 72nd Draw

    Yes you'll get sponsors if you first build a resume ... & there are some tough climbs in Canada ...quit the smoke & push ur body ... ;) and test these first ... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_the_highest_major_summits_of_Canada U need 3-4 years of strength,stamina & endurance...
  5. lino82

    Ray of Hope - 72nd Draw

    Conquering it isn't that economical too...i had checked out it & reliable NZ team costs you around USD70k...but there are other major adaptation hikes required as a precursor...you could try those out...some 7 hikes in all... myself want to do it someday :) to shout out loud I'm on top of the...
  6. lino82

    Ray of Hope - 72nd Draw

    if we look further back,to before the EE,or immediately on launch of EE ,the picture was still a lot tougher...there are ppl still in the pool who had waited 2-3 years with paper application,when cic said,come apply afresh through EE ..many got pushed behind many of us because they are bit...
  7. lino82

    Ray of Hope - 72nd Draw

    Under each NOC in cic website you'll find example titles / designations and responsibilities under each of those... let ur reference letter be written such that it contains matching responsibilities to the ones under ur selected noc...anything more will be okay but less or totally different in...
  8. lino82

    Ray of Hope - 72nd Draw

    It is understandable that he may not be having id of old organisation ...anyway the letter is to be accepted on good faith by cic ...his present ID card will validate his existence / contact details etc just in case cic wants to get it checked through any of their mechanism in India.. The letter...
  9. lino82

    Thank you >>>>>>>>> Legalfalcon <<<<<<<<<<<

    Hi legalfalcon... I would like to thank you for the support you've extended... --- As I filled in personal history - Activities- section I notice that the from and to dates asks only for month and year...though several places it says not to leave any day unexplained,this 'from and to' date with...
  10. lino82

    Ray of Hope - 72nd Draw

    In the absence of formal HR experience letters the best suggested alternative is a reference letter from your supervisor or a senior colleague. 1. Get the letter detailing your role mentioning all the responsibilities handled in such a way that it matches to those listed under ur selected NOC...
  11. lino82

    Ray of Hope - 72nd Draw

    I hope cic take note of the newzealand talk and potential loss of wonderful future citizens :confused:and start issuing double numbers ITAs starting next draw:oops: ... it's going to be not a loss to Canada alone ...:(:(
  12. lino82

    Ray of Hope - 72nd Draw

    duplicate isn't like a fake as you get on alibaba site at a discount...:p duplicate just means that they are issuing it a second time because the original has been lost...:cool: it will carry the same credibility as the original report and cic anyway has e access to the reports .. however you'll...
  13. lino82

    Quick review of my profile

    Read the below link ...and in that you'll see find noc ...search with your job title and see if there's an noc listed suiting to the work experience you have ... http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/apply-who.asp minimum required work exp is 1 year...so exclude the work exp u have...
  14. lino82

    ITA received, have a question, please suggest

    Do not decline it.... 1. You Just need to write a LoE ... explain clearly what has happened and as wes already has mentioned original report date as 29th you are safe. Attach the old & new report alongwith the LoE as single file. an application is rejected if eligibility is not met at the time...
  15. lino82

    Ray of Hope - 72nd Draw

    My profile became active within one hour of creating it....if your profile shows as 'submitted' then it is active and will be included in the draw.... How long it takes to get active depends on the cic website it seems.. and once submitted,it is better to leave the profile undisturbed on...
  16. lino82

    Ray of Hope - 72nd Draw

    I feel sorry for you cause I too tried to imagine something about Ur pick and of course attar is literally hell of a choice :D.. the best I could imagine was to say,it is a traditional perfume with lasting fragrance,very much in demand especially in Arab countries and then start taking about...
  17. lino82

    Ray of Hope - 72nd Draw

    hey,i seriously hope and feel you'll score the desired band with the past exam.. anyway just in case you've to take another one,don't worry too much about what to do and what not do do...just be cool and engage in the conversation...with your English,you'll easily get clb9
  18. lino82

    Ray of Hope - 72nd Draw

    I know a couple who so far has spent CAD16000 on Quebec PR processing spent over last 2+ years...I don't know... but frankly without this forum,i too would have been at the mercy of the consultants and I doubt if they would have foreseen the pitfalls I have now evaded from the info shared...
  19. lino82

    Ray of Hope - 72nd Draw

    I'd assume that the city being mentioned is within their home country & the pcc issued would have excluded that period ...since it wasn't outside home country they would have overlooked the need for pcc for that period.. In India,if one collects pcc through the passport issuing department, it...