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    Question regarding ATIP Report

    89 viewed ...not a single reply !!
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    Question regarding ATIP Report

    Guys ,... today I received my ATIP report ..I have question regarding page 3 which states the following: ORGANIZATIONS & ENTITIES EMBASSIES EMBASSIES 0 NOTES NOTES 1 Created Date: 2014/07/xx Created By : C9xxx...
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    Post Test Interview Situation...

    Does any one knows what is the normal time between test and oath in Niagara Falls ..I did my test in last June 18
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    February 2014 Citizenship Applicantions

    unfortunately not so far ...still waiting :(
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    February 2014 Citizenship Applicantions

    Hiiii Aymu, how are you ? I am soo sorry for what happened to your wife, however; from what I read in this forum and other sites I guess nowadays the CiC is processing every thing fast and even the RQ cases won't take long time same as before. So be optimistic and hope this will not last long...
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    Oath Timeline after test at St. Clair Office

    Hiiii larine....may I ask you where from you came to know that your application is approved?
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    oath timeline after test june 2014

    Hiiiiii...usually after the test and the interview , the local office inform / sent the test result of the applicant to CiC in order to enter it in the system ..this result will not appear to you in your e-case , even though you already know it in your test day ...but it will be appearing in the...
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    oath timeline after test june 2014

    I did my test in Niagara Falls June 18, 2014 along with my wife ....No update so far ::)...no RQ :P :P Still waiting ...I guess it is still early ...Maybe we should hear some thing by mid of August ...the only update that my test result uploaded on the CiC system. I hope this is a good sign :D
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    IELTS Score - very confused!!

    Try CLPIP it is a Canadian language test and accepted by CiC ..my wife did it a passed it easily ..it is easier than IELTS...there is a test every week Friday and Saturday all across canada ...
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    ecase update query

    With all my respect to your opinion, I doubt that the e-case is updated every Tuesday. Last month I checked my e-case on Thursday expecting an invitation for my test, but there was nothing and was still showing (in process). The week after, I mean in next week and exactly in Monday, I checked...
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    Oath Timeline after test at St. Clair Office

    Hiii Canadianesi2006 .....I did my test 2 weeks ago in Niagara Falls and called the CiC day before yesterday and the officer confirmed that my test result uploaded in the system. So what is the next step ? oath ceremony or still there is a chance for RQ (if any) ? I didn't get any RQ so far and...
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    Launched Free iOS App for checking status and more.

    Thanks a lot for this application.....really it is very helpful and saving time...once again thanks
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    February 2014 Citizenship Applicantions

    Yes, my received line disappear before I invited to the test. It disappeared almost one week to ten days after my e-case updated showing my application is in process ... And then after almost 45 days I called the cic and had been informed that my file transferred to my local office ( Niagara...
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    February 2014 Citizenship Applicantions

    We had the same situation , but I have a question regarding my son (7) years old. In case of ceremony, if I will get a citizenship certificate along with my wife, what about my son? He will get his certificate in the mail or I will get it also for him in the same ceremony? And in case it is...
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    February 2014 Citizenship Applicantions

    Sorry for the delay.. We went my self and my wife at 8:00 the test supposed to be at 8:30 ..we were almost 12 person..they waited till the total number completed and then started by 8:20 checking our ID and asked us to get in to the test room which was the same oath room ..we started the test...
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    Test Experience - advice for Self employed

    I started my work here as a taxi driver for a short time like around a year then turn to buying and selling used cars but not have a register company yet, so as self employed what document you suggest to take with me other my NOA .. By the way , my test is on June 18, 2014 , tomorrow :-)
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    December 2013 Citizenship Applications

    Yeah great ..I wish all the best for you , but I was concern more on the interview if possible to tell what kind of question they asked and how long it took and was the officer friendly ? And do they interview husband and wife together or alone as I am going with my wife.
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    Scarborough office citizenship oath

    Sisi2014 and Suzy967. Can any one of you or both tell me how was your interview experience ...tomorrow I will have my test and interview ...plzzzzz
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    February 2014 Citizenship Applicantions

    I translated my passport stamps through a certified translator in Niagara Falls called Selwan al kadi
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    February 2014 Citizenship Applicantions

    Translation already done for all passport stamp and visa , old passport and new one