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    CEC 1 year experience calculation.

    If you do really well in the IELTS exam, then I think you'll be fine. Don't stress too much!
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    CEC 1 year experience calculation.

    All the best in your IELTS exam! You are going to do great! Just follow the instructions!
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    CEC 1 year experience calculation.

    Hi there! The fastest route and easiest route I'll suggest, is to apply through Express entry versus PNP. Have you done the English exam yet? So far, the lowest point invited has been anywhere between 440-462. It is hard to say and know when the points would drop below 430.
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    CEC 1 year experience calculation.

    Hi there! You could create your profile now as it is free to do so, but I'll suggest you just wait until you actually reach the 12 month mark! You are just 2 months away. Have you done the English exam yet and did you get a good score?
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    CPCO-Final Request (Express Entry applicant)

    I am in the same boat right now! Where you able to print the Anex A document with the barcode?
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    ITA Uploading Passport Copy to CIC

    I have the same question myself! Anyone that has gotten their PR pls what is the required way?
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    Physicians Ratings in BC!!

    Hello everyone! Did anyone get their Medical exam done by Dr. Gibson or Dr. Houston in Victoria? What did you think about them and how long did it take approximately to get the information back? Any information you have would be greatly appreciated.
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    PCC Query - Country of origin

    Ohh I see! I left my country of orgin at about 15 and have not been back to visit since then. I am guessing I would not need one from my country of origin then right?
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    PCC Query - Country of origin

    Is everyone required to get a pcc from their country of origin regardless?
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    Reasons for Rejection (Faraz Summary)

    Thanks! That is what I thought initially, but began to second guess myself.
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    Reasons for Rejection (Faraz Summary)

    Quick question! In the travel history section, did you have to include your parents and siblings travel history as well?
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    Travel History Advice!!

    They did neither! I am just a bit unclear with the wordings. I don't have any of their visa data page with me here.
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    Travel History Advice!!

    Thanks for the response! Just wondering if I also have to include my parent's and siblings travel history since I turned 18?
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    Travel History Advice!!

    I apologize in advance if this has already been answered somewhere else. What is needed for the travel history sect? Do I need to include all my parent's and siblings travel history as well as provide supporting documents?
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    **Help:Personal and Work History**

    Should I include my campus residency stay as part of my personal history?
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    Address history

    I stayed in the university's residence for about 8months. Should I include that in the history?
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    CRS draw August 8 2018 - ITA status

    that was a bit nerve racking. Thanks for checking. Appreciate it!
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    CRS draw August 8 2018 - ITA status

    Had that thought when I intially saw the message, but was in doubt because of the format everyone use here. I hope that is what it is indeed. So confusing!
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    CRS draw August 8 2018 - ITA status

    Seems pretty strange that they'll be expecting the completed application in two days It clearly states that applicants have 60 days to submit a completed application.
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    CRS draw August 8 2018 - ITA status

    Thanks! Here it is https://ibb.co/fVPfap