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  1. H

    Please send me an sample of sponsorship document!!!THANKS!!!

    Hi please anyone can send me a sample of "Declaration of sponsorship" if the sponsor is other than parent, Statement of Purpose ( i am a business student) And A letter of explanation why he (sponsor other than parent) is sponsoring me (student). If anyone have these doc Please email me at...
  2. H

    Change course?????

    Dear all! I'm going apply to Humber College for 1-year post-graduate diploma in January 2012 and I must attend English class in September 2011 (because my IELTS score is 6.0 and I can't apply directly to post-graduate diploma). But when I come to Canada, can I change my course into 3-year...
  3. H

    Can I change course after coming Canada?

    Hi all! I'm graduate university this year and will apply in one-year post-graduate certificate in George Brown College (Toronto) in Fall Session, because it'll be easier to get Canadian Visa. But can I change into 3 year-coure diploma in Goerge Brown when I came here? Please helpppp!
  4. H

    University graduater can apply for diploma in college!

    Thank you for answering my question! To be honest, I stydy Tourism and Hospitality Manegement in university, now I'm working for a half of year and going to apply 3 year - course diploma in Accounting and Finance at Seneca College (Toronto). How chance I can get Canadian Visa and what I can...
  5. H

    University graduater can apply for diploma in college!

    Dear all! I finish my study at university (in Vietnam) in 2010 and I want to apply for 3 year - course diploma in Seneca Colege (Toronto). But I heart that It's dillicult to take Canada Visa for unversity graduaters if they apply in college diploma. Is it right? How can I do? Please...