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  1. colin_slaven1988

    September 2014 OUTLAND Applications

    Copr arrived today ! Sunday of all days haha woooooo
  2. colin_slaven1988

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Copr arrived today ! Sunday of all days haha woooooo
  3. colin_slaven1988

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Scratch that just looked and letter just got processed.....hope it's copr lol
  4. colin_slaven1988

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Ah okay they got mines on 18th....but tracking number has not been activated yet for the envelope I gave them for return. Don't think it's anything for concern yet I suppose . I know they got it anyway lol just really eager to get it and land lol
  5. colin_slaven1988

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Hey man congrats. I got the request for copies of passport etc... same days as you. Did you send it right in ? And also dude they send it back in the express post envelope you sent too ? Thanks bud
  6. colin_slaven1988

    September 2014 OUTLAND Applications

    Hi guys, sorry I meant to give my details for the spreadsheet. They received application September 9th SA approval october 27th DM November 10th They sent request for extra information, passport copy and passport pictures on 17th november. The application was meant for london but they kept it...
  7. colin_slaven1988

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    That's awesome !!!! I got the pasport copy request etc... the the 17th and they got all my stuff by 18th so hoping mines comes very very soon ! When did your stuff get there ? Congrats again !
  8. colin_slaven1988

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    That's awesome. Can I ask if you sent it from UK ? Or are you in canada and sent it to Ottawa ? They asked for mmy extra passport pictures, updated info and stuff last Monday and they got it Tuesday. ....so just wondering how long I may have to wait. Did it come back in the envelope you sent...
  9. colin_slaven1988

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Agreed. I got that email a week or so ago and it's just if you application has spouse who is accompanying you....like getting PR too . But she isn't :)
  10. colin_slaven1988

    photos kissing inappropriate?

    Should be fine....as long as it's not crazy graphic haha....also sure people have sent way more lol
  11. colin_slaven1988

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    That's awesome. Been wondering how long it will take to come as I sent my one and they received on Tuesday. ....so hoping it's three weeks too....or quicker haha that's nuts if they don't use the envelope too. Congrats !
  12. colin_slaven1988

    online service unavailable? ?

    Works now....classic nervous visa applicant here lol thanks again. My bad.
  13. colin_slaven1988

    online service unavailable? ?

    Hey guy . So I have my decision made....and sent two more pictures to Ottawa with updated info etc... Though then I would check up with my application online and my log in details don't go through. It says the details are not recognized? Has this happened to anyone else ? I am wondering if...
  14. colin_slaven1988

    passport request to receiving copr time line?

    Hi guys. Decision was made then they asked for a copy of passport.... 2 new pictures ....and a form with updated address etc... Sent it away to Ottawa. I am in Toronto and just wondered if anyone knew how long they take to come back ? Just from your experience ? I am heading to border his...
  15. colin_slaven1988

    Should we send a copy of passport to London UK or CPC-OTTAWA for final process

    Yeah I understood it the same too. All docs and an extra envelope, all in one other envelope. Congrats guys
  16. colin_slaven1988

    decision made too early ? I'm so lost and worried.

    Ah it's normally in the other order ?
  17. colin_slaven1988

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Awesome. Thanks again for providing spreadshwet. ....really helpful! :) Will update when copr received. Hopefully doesn't take long lol
  18. colin_slaven1988

    Should we send a copy of passport to London UK or CPC-OTTAWA for final process

    Hey guys just got mines today. Judging by London crazy processing times and the fact my application got kept in missisauga due to London being ram with applications I am staying away from them lol sent to Ottawa today and been looking at lots of people's cases they send it back in days. I think...
  19. colin_slaven1988

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Update for spreadsheet.... received letter( November 17th) asking for passport copy. Detail conformation and 2 new pictures.....that's good right ? Lol anyways though I would add to spreadsheet. That means copr next right ? Hope everyone is having good luck too
  20. colin_slaven1988

    decision made too early ? I'm so lost and worried.

    Hey guys . Said I would keep you posted. Passport copy request came today. That's good right ? Loll so they just wanted a copy of passport , 2 new pictures and conformation of address and height etc... I am sure this is good . Was just expecting a copr though ? Guess that's coming next ? Anyone...