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  1. Binabik

    Letter From CIC

    Well the email seems pretty clear, you need to go through all steps and submit all required documents.
  2. Binabik

    Met the CRS Score but have not received ITA!!!

    This was for the Federal Skilled Trades Program only. If you are not in this stream you have to wait for the next draw. This said, 373 is probably too low so you may want to work on improving your score (e.g., improving language tests)
  3. Binabik

    Ppr to copr timeline

    About a week.
  4. Binabik

    Medicals for PR

    Most important is: stay calm and relaxed, and drink lots of water.
  5. Binabik

    Passports to CPC Ottawa- Oct 2017

    The photos are supposed to be used for your PR card. It is odd that they returned them to you... Perhaps you can contact them to find out what happened (e.g., the photos do no match the specifications?) This said, they will most likely request new photos when processing your PR card application.
  6. Binabik

    support document type

    No ZIP is not allowed: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=1124&top=23 I encountered the same issue and did as follow: split the PDF into individual pages. Decrease the size of the heaviest page(s). Then combine all pages again. There might be a faster solution, but this one...
  7. Binabik

    Cannot get a reference letter from previous employers

    I would first try to obtain the letter from the company no matter what. Explain clearly that you don't ask for a reference/supporting letter, but simply a proof of employement letter. Try to be as persuasive as possible. If you can you may contact a lawyer. Also, is there anyone else you can...
  8. Binabik

    Steps to apply for a work permit as a post doc in canada

    The UoC provides fairly detailed guidelines for foreign postdoc: http://www.ucalgary.ca/hr/immigration-guidelines-pds#quickset-field_collection_quicktabs_2 Just go through it, it should answer many of your questions.
  9. Binabik

    Proof of Funds

    I did the same. I have sufficient fund so I thought it couldn't be bad to show it (and it is rather easy to prove anyway).
  10. Binabik

    Renting in Vancouver without credit history

    You can try Craiglist as well, it worked for me. The landlord was happy with solely my job offer (it was a 1 bedroom laneway appartement).
  11. Binabik

    Profile sent today! CIC says I am not eligible.

    Good luck, with 447 points you should be good ;)
  12. Binabik

    Can you get an ITA if in Canada with no Canadian work experience?

    The CRS tool does not extensively check for eligibility, you need to meet the minimum requirements of at least one EE stream (typically at least 1 year of work exprience, either in Canada or outland). You do not have any work exprience at all? This said, with your PGWP, you have time to focus...
  13. Binabik

    August AOR 2017

    Then it is Ottawa.
  14. Binabik

    August AOR 2017

    Aug 16 AOR, and I received PPR on Oct 30, so happy :D Keep hope guys!
  15. Binabik

    Documents required for PPR?

    Nop, nothing else, but there might be some minor differences based on where you applied. For instance, if you are from a visa-exempt country (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/visas-all.asp), they just ask for a copy of your passport. If you applied inland, the pre-paid enveloppe must be from...
  16. Binabik

    August cec applicant, anyone?

    Aug 16 AOR, CEC Inland, single applicant. I received PPR on Oct 30. The background check started sometimes in october.
  17. Binabik

    FBI US PCC which applications are currently being processed ?

    Check the FBI FAQs (https://www.fbi.gov/services/cjis/identity-history-summary-checks), they explain what to do: 13. How do I notify the FBI if my address has changed since I submitted my request for my Identity History Summary or if I want to verify my correct address was submitted? Please...
  18. Binabik

    FBI US PCC which applications are currently being processed ?

    No it is the date they completed the search of your fingerprints. For me, it was 4 days after my CC was charged.
  19. Binabik

    FBI US PCC which applications are currently being processed ?

    Just got the letter, yay! For information: - Application received by FBI on May 19th at 9am - Credit card processed on August 4th - FBI letter mailed on August 10th (I emailed them to know that) - FBI letter received today (August 15th), in Canada BC Here you go :)