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  1. C


    OMG reading this thread is so scary :o How long ago was it? I think you should exhaust all posibilites with Canada Post first, it may save you time and money. From other cases I have read, seems like a good option to start with, is to track down your mail man, specially if you live in a condo...
  2. C

    CEC - August 2014 application

    I am still waiting for my passport to be sent to me, CIC received on April 05th. And my ECAS still shows In Process. I am starting to freak out with that :(
  3. C

    Decision made but no PPR

    In my case I got "Ready for Visa" email on April 04th, but still today my ECAS shows "In Process". I am trying to not read too much into that, can't wait to have my passport back!
  4. C

    CEC - August 2014 application

    Yeah, I was requested to send exactly the same: passport, two photos, prepaid envelope and a copy of the email. I wonder if these are the same photos they were asking for PR card but that they now are asking for it with the PPR instead.
  5. C

    PRE-Landing/POST-Landing preparation

    Yes, banks should be updated with the new SIN number too. In some cases, you may need to update your drivers license if the temporary permits are about to expire. At least that's my case. Great idea this post Pearl1. My husband and I were just talking about these things yesterday.
  6. C

    Waiting for Passport - Please add your case here

    I'd say keep calling Canada Post until they give you an answer. Tell them is your passport and a visa what they have lost. Did you have it with signature for delivery?
  7. C

    Waiting for Passport - Please add your case here

    My timeline here: Ready for Visa email: April 04th Passport sent to CIC: April 05th Delivered at CIC: April 06th The latest updates have me really excited and hopeful that I'll get my passport back soon!
  8. C

    Landing in Alberta~ Looking for people to go together

    Wow! Great news! When was it delivered at CIC? Mine was delivered yesterday and I am so hopeful I'll get it back soon!
  9. C

    CEC - August 2014 application

    Yayyy! Happy for you sdabadie! ;D Let us know when you get your passport back. Mine was delivered at CIC yesterday... can't wait for the landing day.
  10. C

    CEC - August 2014 application

    I was also requested to send two photographs along with the passports, to CIC. Yes, by Canada post only. Btw not sure what you mean with CRA (did you file taxes recently? ;)) It is a long email, luckily husband read it carefully and noticed it was by Canada Post only, I was ready to go to UPS...
  11. C

    Landing in Alberta~ Looking for people to go together

    Oh, so it took around a month? :( I may not have that much time, work permit expiring by middle of May.
  12. C

    CEC October 2014 Applicants

    On March 08th, 2016, they asked me to submit scanned copies of new passports, that were valid for more than 6 months. The one I had submitted back in 2014 was expiring this upcoming May. Then I sent the scanned copies on March 21st, because it took long to get the new passports from my country...
  13. C

    Landing in Alberta~ Looking for people to go together

    Thanks Mel713. That's my guess too, if everyone is going to the border then the CIC office might not be as busy for in-land :)
  14. C

    CEC October 2014 Applicants

    I didn't get those lines added either, until yesterday when they sent the ready for visa email, they added the "we sent you correspondence on Dec 19th 2014... blah blah blah" All this time I only had two lines, then a third one for Medicals Result received. So yeah, don't read into that too...
  15. C

    work permit extention

    Apply for an extension of your current work permit as soon as possible. If you have an open work permit, you can apply online for the extension and you don't need LMIA. Then just show your employer the proof that you submitted a new application and you'll be working under implied status until...
  16. C

    CEC October 2014 Applicants

    Just be patients a little longer guys. I am August 2014, and just yesterday got the Ready for Visa email. You'll get there soon too. And do not pay too much attention to what agents say in the call center, it's proven they all have different responses and most of the times not accurate ones.
  17. C

    Landing in Alberta~ Looking for people to go together

    Hi guys, how did your landing go? Has anyone done in-land landing at CIC offices in Alberta? Does it take long to get an appointment?
  18. C

    CEC - August 2014 application

    Hello everyone, I finally got the Ready for Visa email this morning!!! (I think I got it right this time, lol) ;D They also asked me for two pictures, now I have to get those taken tomorrow and submit the passports. Does everyone get asked to submit photographs? Has anyone done in-land...
  19. C

    Work Permit Extension (Oct, Nov or Dec, 2015) online or paper base applicants

    Hi ksiusha, Did you apply online or paper-based?