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  1. H

    Canada Passport Application - Question

    It is because it is same form for renewal as well.
  2. H

    Expired PR (citizenship application in process)

    Why not apply to get renewed PR card.
  3. H

    December 2017 - Citizenship Applicants

    It's a good piece of advise.. now they can likely add 30 min to 60 min each way on commuting through slow traffic..o_O
  4. H

    If you don’t drive and you live 2hrs or more from test interview how do you get IRCC centre.

    Most of the people figured out what to do before applying for PR and travelled all the way from their home country to land.. They are smart enough to figure this last step out.
  5. H

    If you don’t drive and you live 2hrs or more from test interview how do you get IRCC centre.

    When one apply.. they need to consider everything which includes that oath will be at a place which may not be near by..Cost to travel even if it is by bus..cost to apply for passport...Barring few exception.. people know..
  6. H

    Confusion regarding oci status for my daughter

    You can assume that you will receive the OCI in about 1 to 2 weeks of the document reaching your local consulate. BLS is 3rd party and do not get updated until they receive the document from consulate. They only manage pre consulate checks, submit them to consulate and receive from them after it...
  7. H

    Presence Calculator Issue

    You may want to check what you have entered fir the period prior to becoming PR. Only work related visa or student might be valid for pre PR time.
  8. H

    Made a blunder. Not sure what to do?! Please help.

    Usually Visa rejection are not an issue but entry denials are. Moreover during interview they ask for issues related with Canadian immigration or Visa.
  9. H

    Status period before PR

    You are not eligible yet for Citizenship. You need minimum 2 years from the date of your PR to apply for Citizenship if you are including pre-PR time in Canada.
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    Help Needed

    Please refer to below: 1. If you were employed as crown servant then only you need this. 2. Usually beginning Passport pages showing Photo/Signatures/issued from and validity dates and Last pages showing address if applicable depending on your country. 3. You are fine if you sign on September...
  11. H

    School Record - Photo ID - 2018 Applicant

    You can just walk in and talk to the administrative staff at school. They usually provide it promptly.
  12. H

    Urgent !! Can I legally represent my husband at his citizenship interview ?

    During the interview, officer usually gets you to sign a declaration document which I do not think can be done by a representative. Being a representative only allows you to communicate with CIC on the applicant's behalf but still not sign these documents. I think you still have time to do...
  13. H

    As an not-yet salaried startup Co-Founder, what should be the declared employment status?

    If Individual return was filed, you can put your status as Self Employed. I would recommend talking to your accountant who will be able to guide you on your status from CRA perspective.
  14. H

    As an not-yet salaried startup Co-Founder, what should be the declared employment status?

    In addition.. one should file income tax return even if it is zero income so you can get benefited from GST/HST credit. I am sure you must had some expenses where you paid GST/HST. Business return and Individual return are two different things and one need to file individual return even when...
  15. H

    Scarborough -DM-Oath

    You may want to leave at least an hour to 1.5 hour gap between estimated time of arrival(may be use live traffic information). One of my friend encountered unexpected delays on highway despite having more than 30 min b/w Oath time and estimated arrival time due to traffic issues. He was only...
  16. H

    medium of instruction for jntu hyderabad

    Transcripts usually provide Medium of Instructions. I am assuming that you were not the primary applicant when you applied for PR which in case, you can go for LINC classes provided by Govt.. as they are eligible to be a valid proof of English proficiency. Hope this helps
  17. H

    Confused again with physical presence days

    Verbal decisions are not documented and hence they can not be considered as valid for any documentation purpose. One should go with what has been communicated in formal documents.
  18. H

    Backdating Citizenship application

    What do you mean by back date? You have to use the residency calculator which factors in last 5 years and see if you are eligible to apply.
  19. H

    I am honest and telling truth so need your advise.

    Second that.. there is no need to pay for practising the test and no need to panic.. In addition to above.. you can check for citizen workshops in the library where they go through all the details in the study guide which helps.
  20. H

    Any reason why CIC takes 3 months to deliver PR Card

    dealing with supply and demand is not as simple as we may think. Hire when demand goes up and fire when it goes down is not how it works