What is your CRS? Well if you got the ITA, you would get it again. Ideally you should submit the profile with correct details. On the other hand, somebody else lost an opportunity for your fault :D
I would suggest you withdraw and take the next ITA.
559 is a strange number... good news is that possibly all the PNPs are exhausted (as of now). If the next draw is for ~2500 ITAs, CRS may drop to ~460. Well this also depends on number of PNPs issued over next two weeks. We can expect a draw next week as well. Fingers crossed!
Seniors have advised to mention No, if you did not cross pool stage (if your application did not reach CIC for processing, which would be post ITA). So if you dis not get an ITA yet, you can mention No.
I hope they reduce it to 350, so that more people can avail the option. Nonetheless, OINP folks seriously need to improve the process and reduce the cycle time.
It would be better to wait and hear back from them. Since CIC has taken the option of two degrees off the list, there would be system fix to take care of the issue. Hope it gets sorted soon.
Wish you good luck mate!