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  1. Diana M

    Thread for 2017 - Dependent Child sponsorship Applications

    Hello, About OHIP.. i'm in the same situation with my son. But I understood that you don't need to wait another 3 months for it after you apply, you just need to prove that the kid was in Canada already for 3 months. In my case, I just need to bring from school a letter that he went there for 3...
  2. Diana M

    Child sponsorship

    Hi, I was in the same situation like you. I declared my son non-accompanying, I've got my PR and landed in Canada. After, I went back in my country because I was the only one taking care of my son so I had to stay with him. I sue his father, asking the judge to set the domicile of my son from...
  3. Diana M

    How to do the notary on IMM 5604 in china?

    Hello, I have the same issue in Romania. The notary won't sign on the form. It worked for you to witness the signing and make a notary for the signing? Thank you! :)
  4. Diana M

    Help to complete form

    Hello, I want to sponsor my dependant child (7 years old). I'm stuck at the form IMM 5604 (Declaration from non-accompanying parent). His father wants to sign the form, we went at the notary in Romania but the notary is refusing to sign and stamp in the bottom of the form because, it seems that...
  5. Diana M

    Bucharest VO 2017

    I don't think that they're interested to have money to support yourself because is a sponsorship, rather I think they're interested of the money that might get into the country without tax. He asked me how much money I have cash...I had less than 500 CAD...and I told him that the rest is in the...
  6. Diana M

    Bucharest VO 2017

    Hi all, On 23 june I finally landed as PR in Toronto. Everything went well and very fast. Because I was with my son I didn't had to wait in line, the procedure took 10 minutes. As a recomandation, if you can get your SIN from the airport when you land do it. I was to lazy to wait for that...
  7. Diana M

    Bucharest VO 2017

    Hi, When my app was transferred I had this msg in Gckey: Your application is in progress. We will send you a message when we start your background check when BCG is starting, you'll have this msg: We are processing your background check. we will send you a message if we need more information...
  8. Diana M

    Bucharest VO 2017

    Hi...I don't know what they'll consider a simple case but I can give you some details about mine. So ..both of us were previous married and divorce, we know each other for almost 4 years, got married after 3 years. We provided pictures with all the trips that we had together..US California...
  9. Diana M

    Bucharest VO 2017

    I've got my PPR 2 months after I was transferred to Bucharest. They are not that slow..probably it depends froms case to case. Good luck!
  10. Diana M

    Taking my kid to Canada

    I am from Romania. Good luck :)
  11. Diana M

    Bucharest VO 2017

    My COPR arrived today. Good luck to all of you!
  12. Diana M

    Bucharest VO 2017

    Hi, Today I recived my COPR. Good luck everyone!
  13. Diana M

    Bucharest spousal sponsorship

    I am Romanian, my husband has double citizenship Canadian-Mexican.
  14. Diana M

    Bucharest spousal sponsorship

    I don't think there is a certain date on which they're working. I was a September applicant, my file was transferred in Bucharest on nov. I already recived COPR. I think it depends from case to case.
  15. Diana M


    Hi, I recived pre arrival on 17th jan and BCG started on 26th. Good luck! Ankara is fast, you should get it in no time.
  16. Diana M


    I've recived an email from VO that my COPR was issued today. :)
  17. Diana M

    Pre-Arrival Services Email Timeline

    Hi, I recived Pre-arrival on 17 January and PPR on 26 January, Vo -Bucharest. Good luck to all!
  18. Diana M

    Pre arrival services invitation

    Hi, I think it depends from VO to VO but, in my case, I recived Pre Arrival and background check didn't started in the same time. BCG, DM and PPR were all 3 in the same day, 9 days after Pre Arrival. So, probably soon you'll hear good news. :)