Depend from case to case could be days months or many months.
After test I am waiting for decision from 9 Sep due to pending security clearance.
But I notice in this forum most of the cases took one to two months only.
My local office is Mississauga
Application mailed - 16 June 2016
Application received - 22 June 2016
Test invite-19 Aug 2016
Test date -9 Sep 2016
Still waiting for decision made.
Oath invitation????
Very simple if you are sure you applied renewal after 730 days of physical presence no-need to worry write a letter to CIC that you cant provide these information's and CIC knows from such countries you cant get any record unless you are present there.
If you was not reported then no need to worry. My case will help you to understand the process.
My pr card was expired on July 2012 i enter in Canada only one week before PR card expiry date.
I applied to renew my PR card in 2015 approximate after 3 years of physical presence.
As expected...
No decision made 165 days passed after test and they didn't ask any document or finger print.
Can they ask more documents after 6 months of citizenship test?
Congratulations and as i predict before they started to clean up their own mess and you will see within few months secondary review backlogs will be cleared as a magic.
Media is a strong forum to make changes but sorry to say they are not interested in this topic we tried too much no one was ready to listen.
May be that this topic is not appealing to them for further explore.