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Search results

  1. Chillovski

    OINP - HCP - Application Submitted February and March 2018

    Actually, this whole post-ITA process is quite complex and notoriously difficult to predict. I have seen some PNP cases getting approved within 2 months after AOR, and some FSW cases being stuck for more than 1.5 years (and vice versa). Usually, the people that are processed the fastest are the...
  2. Chillovski

    Ontario PNP (OINP) 2018 Discussion

    Dude, take a moment to read the info on the IRCC web site... it's all there. You need to take a French exam similar to the IELTS, you'll get additional CRS points depending on how you do on the exam, just like IELTS. You should consult someone who has gone through this process.
  3. Chillovski

    Ontario PNP (OINP) 2018 Discussion

    It's really up to them to decide which NOCs they will be inviting more compared to the others. Over the past years they've tended to lower the bar a bit for IT professionals in particular as they look to chase software pros heading out of the US. I'm not sure exactly how much you gain by being...
  4. Chillovski

    Ontario PNP (OINP) 2018 Discussion

    Yes, last year and even this year some people have got NOIs even though their CRS score was less than 400. However, these have either been targeted NOIs or issued to folks in the French speaking stream, not the normal HCP stream. I would be very surprised indeed if they started issuing normal...
  5. Chillovski

    Ontario PNP (OINP) 2018 Discussion

    An NOI (Notification of Interest) is what you get once you are selected by OINP from the Express Entry pool. With a CRS of 408, you're a little on the lower side, but if OINP starts issuing targeted NOIs to people with your area of expertise, you're in with a chance. Try to increase your score...
  6. Chillovski

    Ontario PNP (OINP) 2018 Discussion

    Well, try to increase your CRS the best you can... take the IELTS again perhaps? 435 is a good score though, unless you have a birthday coming up within the next 6 months, you should hopefully get an ITA before that, or get an OINP NOI whenever they start re-issuing invites. Besides trying to...
  7. Chillovski

    OINP - HCP - Application Submitted February and March 2018

    Congratulations! Two months is indeed a long time for a status change; had they asked for any additional documents after submission? Well, better late than never. Since it took two months to move from the first to the second stage, I would think that the next steps will be quicker for you than...
  8. Chillovski

    OINP - HCP - Application Submitted February and March 2018

    Here we go... the first 2018 OINP HCP nominations (from FSW, non-French speaking streams) have now started coming in :)
  9. Chillovski

    Ray of Hope - 89th Draw

    Good morning to all the fellow Wednesday bazaarists! I very much doubt that there will be a draw today, but if it happens ;), I think it will be a CRS cut off of 438, with a draw size of 3,500 ITA's. If it doesn't happen today, then next week's draw will be very interesting... lo and behold...
  10. Chillovski

    OINP - EE - Human Capital Priorities Stream - Comprehensive Guide

    Perhaps... but then there is also a case there of a French stream applicant sitting at "submitted" status since February, poor guy hasn't even come to "Assessment" yet. Amazingly diverse fortunes and timelines for OINP applicants.
  11. Chillovski

    OINP - EE - Human Capital Priorities Stream - Comprehensive Guide

    Has anyone noticed the curious case of a guy on immi tracker who applied for OINP HCP on April 1st and has already been nominated? That is mental! Then there's a case of a guy on one of the threads claiming he's got an ITA yesterday with a CRS of 431. The world is going bonkers.
  12. Chillovski

    Ray of Hope - 89th Draw

    Well then you're the chosen one! Hallelujah!! :)
  13. Chillovski

    Ray of Hope - 88th Draw

    Yes, I do actually. I think barring any further 3-week gaps between draws, and assuming that IRCC keeps drawing between 3,000-3,500 every two weeks, we should be seeing the CRS cut off hit 432, probably by Oct. There's an enormous number of people waiting in the 430's, so the downward push will...
  14. Chillovski

    Ray of Hope - 88th Draw

    Good morning hopefuls! Wednesday again, lets see if IRCC goes for it today. I predict that they will draw today, with 3,500 ITAs and a CRS cut off at 442 (+/- 2). Good luck to all expecting the good news today, let's hope we enter 430's soon. :)
  15. Chillovski

    Ray of Hope - 88th Draw

    A good Wednesday morning Mesdames et Messieurs! So we're at 444 and finally IRCC decides to draw 3,500. May such generosity continue! I'd honestly be extremely surprised if there's a draw today, but if it happens, I'd say they will draw another 3,500 (let's hope this is the trend going forward...
  16. Chillovski

    Ontario PNP (OINP) 2018 Discussion

    Don't worry, if something's wrong with your application or if something's missing, they would have let you know by now. There have been previous instances on immi tracker where certain OINP HCP applications have not seen any progress after submission for up to 2 months... perhaps your...
  17. Chillovski

    Ray of Hope - 88th Draw

    It's actually not so much the NOC; its your CRS score, your IELTS scores that matter. If your CRS is either at or higher than mid-430's, you're in with a decent chance of getting an NOI whenever OINP restarts issuing HCP NOIs. NOC is only important if OINP decides to issue targeted NOIs, which...
  18. Chillovski

    Ontario PNP - Help

    I'm guessing that your question is regarding the HCP stream of OINP. The NOI that was given to you in June 2017 has expired; you cannot do much about it in 2018. Now, to answer your two questions: 1. In order for you to be eligible for a new NOI, you would have to re-create your profile...
  19. Chillovski

    Ray of Hope - 88th Draw

    Looks to me like the closest match would be NOC 1315 - Customs, ship and other brokers. A word of caution though: before you put that as your main NOC, do check if IRCC has placed a requirement for a certain qualification, which you may or may not have. Another one you may consider would be NOC...
  20. Chillovski

    Ray Of Hope - 87th Draw

    Acknowledgement of Receipt. After getting the ITA, you get your paperwork ready for IRCC and then submit online. IRCC will look at the electronic submission and once it feels that things are in order and your application can get into the next stage of detailed evaluation, it will issue an...