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  1. I

    August 2018 AOR - join here

    I don't want to wait any longer!!! Where is my PPR!!!
  2. I

    August 2018 AOR - join here

    https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/contact-ircc/offices/international-visa-offices.html On the above link you can find which VO is your local VO. But like I said, your VO can change due to workload distribution. So the only way to know is either to call/email...
  3. I

    Start my own small resturant

    Don't know why it shouldn't be allowed. After all, once you are a PR you practically are a Canadian, so you have the same rights and obligations as all Canadians. Btw, I am also contemplating to open a restaurant :)
  4. I

    August 2018 AOR - join here

    You could always call CIC and ask for your VO. Sometimes they can give you that info. Apart from that, on the CIC website, you can see which VO is your local VO. Unfortunatly, my local VO is London. As per my understanding, it is one of the slowest VO. But, even if you find your local VO, your...
  5. I

    August 2018 AOR - join here

    After having asked around in forums and WhatsApp groups I've come to the conclusion that no one seems to know the exact answer to this. Some people have said that thir employment letters did not mention how many h a week you work and they got PPR. Others say that they know of cases were the app...
  6. I

    August 2018 AOR - join here

    Hmm...I think I went to IP2 after biometrics. But you know, I have actually mixed up my timeline...I've been reading so much about these stages that I have mixed up my own info... Hahaha... But it was actually after my biometrics that I learned about these stages.
  7. I

    August 2018 AOR - join here

    True, I have been in IP2 for more than a month now...at first I got really excited and thought I must be a unique case coz I moved to IP2 so quickly, but I have now lost that hope. And I no longer see this whole IP1 IP2 thing as any indication...
  8. I

    August 2018 AOR - join here

    That was actually a good idea, I had to check my payslips for my current employment but it does not say. Now I want to go home faster so I can check my job contracts, I think you are right, it should say how many hours a week in job contract. Otherwise I will have to contact my employers to get...
  9. I

    August 2018 AOR - join here

    Hey guys! How important is it that your reference letter mentions how many hours you work? I have declared three employments, and from all I have gotten reference letters from my managers, and income and type of employment statement from payroll managers. They all describe that I my type of...
  10. I

    August 2018 AOR - join here

    Hey SRayhan...I have sent you a PM with my number...please add me to the WhatsApp group as well... Thank you
  11. I

    August 2018 AOR - join here

    The plan is to move to Toronto. And hopefully I can land in February if all goes according to my plans. I have actually once raised a question on this thread that it would be fun if all Aug aor's would meet up in Canada... No one seems to be interested tho
  12. I

    August 2018 AOR - join here

    I did my biometric in the afternoon. Next day in the morning when I check i tvättstugan an update saying bio complete.
  13. I

    August 2018 AOR - join here

    In that case I can remain hopeful. The only worry I have is that I already have two citizenships (Sweden, Iran). I just hope that this wont be a reason for delays. Does anyone else have more than one citizenship?
  14. I

    Medical Done at IOM but Concerned

    If the physician has accepted that you do not have TB than don't be concerned. The lung x-ray is only about examining whether we have TB or not. But, you could order the physicians notes to check what exactly has been said about you in the documents they sent to CIC. I got a copy of my...
  15. I

    August 2018 AOR - join here

    @Aarti123 Bro seeing your timeline gives me so much hope :) But it also makes me wonder why your file was handled so much faster than many others. How many employers have you declared? Have you had many trips abroad?
  16. I

    August 2018 AOR - join here

    You can ask whatever you want. Will they give an answer? that's not sure. I have read on this forum how people call and ask really any question and some agents do give a lot of answers, but most seem to just say that your file is being handled. Another good point, I read on this forum how one...
  17. I

    August 2018 AOR - join here

    Same for me, I got the job letter when creating my account.
  18. I

    August 2018 AOR - join here

    My plan is to land by the end of Feb if all goes according to my plans and I do get PPR before that. It would be really fun if all August AOR's would meet up in Canada during Q1 next year :D What cities are you guys planning to move to?
  19. I

    August 2018 AOR - join here

    For me its been exactly 4 weeks now since I moved to the IP2 with my background check saying its processing.