Boss its not about so many asians in ur class !! its abt low grade ppl, 40% marks holders and Desis with no intention to study !!! having such elements in ur class whats the fckin use of spending so much to study in such a college ??? u learn from ur classmates and here u have ppl who are...
sak r u crazy or sumthin !!! whats wrong if ppl wanna take PR after studies and stay in that Country ???? anywayz Pakis are not welcome in Canada anymore so no point discussin this !!!
This colege doesn't even send u letter of acceptance where as better colleges than Humber like Seneca and George Brown send u the acceptance in a Month's time !!! I know few Consultants in Canada and they told me that Humber is the place for Desis to enjoy, this is not a college to study !!!!
one shud not apply under SPP, this category is currently gettin exploited very much, ppl showin fake loans and stuff as the other docs are not required, VO is rejecting almost every case under SPP, this is Outrageous !!!!!
Humber College never gives admissions to genuine students, all students from Punjab with JUGAAD go to this college, avoid this college as Visa rejection is high !!!!
Momi Why u need this form ???
4) Schedule 1 – Application for a Temporary Resident Visa Made Outside Canada [IMM 5257 - Schedule 1] (PDF, 51 KB)
that is only if applicable, !!
its nothin u'll receive ur passport tomorrow !! i guess u chose the option that ur passport should be delivered at ur home rather than u collecting at VFS !! AIRWAY bill no will be updated tomorrow, ur passport is not held !! Best of Luck