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  1. sohail-khan86

    Background Checks -EXPLAINED >>>

    Ofcourse you will be asked about it sooner or later..
  2. sohail-khan86

    Background Checks -EXPLAINED >>>

    Nona when did you completed your medicals..
  3. sohail-khan86

    Prepare an interview

    Which documents? It's nothing new though.they do it all the time.
  4. sohail-khan86

    Background Checks -EXPLAINED >>>

    Alright... :(( Dammmnn that doesn't sound good.. Anyhow I was wondering if they really fasten the process a bit when medicals are about to expire or is it the same as everyone else!? Because quite frankly it doesn't make any sense to send any one medicals when they are not planning on finalizing...
  5. sohail-khan86

    Background Checks -EXPLAINED >>>

    So does that mean that there is no chance that they would extend my medicals now!:( since they have mentioned now that i might have to go through another one if case is not finalized wihtin 15 dec...
  6. sohail-khan86


    Then I believe you are implying that all officers are absent minded. Since my case has been approved two times. First I got medicals without interview. Than I was called for interview where after checking every detail the officer approved it for the final time. There is a huge difference between...
  7. sohail-khan86

    Background Checks -EXPLAINED >>>

    Dear Qorax , I recently sent a case specific inquiry to CHC London. They told me that some more background checks are required and if they are not done by mid DEC I might have 2 go through another medical examination.. And all of this after a successful interview.. I did medicals in Feb 2011...
  8. sohail-khan86


    Than i guess engineers might not be regulated in Canada since I am a electrical engineer by profession and my experience during my studies were counted as valid.
  9. sohail-khan86


    You can't get points for the experience you had before graduation? Really says who? I had experience of two years before graduating and I have been given full score for that...and my case has been approved so I guess people who say its not possible don't have a qualified answer.
  10. sohail-khan86


    What rubbish. Don't misguide people. Your experience before you completed your graduation wil be counted aswell as long as it is in the list of categories mentioned by Cic..
  11. sohail-khan86


    My patience has ran out bro! :P :D :P I think em gonna go watch a movie or something.. hahahha :D :P
  12. sohail-khan86

    Background Checks -EXPLAINED >>>

    Dear Qorax, So does that mean they can give my some extra time to land even after the expiration of meds??? Is that possible???
  13. sohail-khan86


    Yeah you guys are right... But still I am worried since I don't want to go through medicals again for which I have to go to another city. It's too much of a hassle... Thing I hate is that even after the immigration officer told me that only ppr is left they want more docs now... Hate it.. :@
  14. sohail-khan86

    Background Checks -EXPLAINED >>>

    Dear Qorax and fellow Members, I had an interview with CHC last month .. After my interview the immigration officer told me that he was approving my application and the only thing left is my security clearence after which I will receive a passport request from CHC Lodnon.. Recently I contacted...
  15. sohail-khan86

    Prepare an interview

    Dear Qorax and Members, I had an interview with CHC last month .. After my interview the immigration officer told me that he was approving my application and the only thing left is my security clearence after which I will receive a passport request from CHC Lodnon.. Recently I contacted CHC...
  16. sohail-khan86


    Dear Qorax and Members, I had an interview with CHC last month .. After my interview the immigration officer told me that he was approving my application and the only thing left is my security clearence after which I will receive a passport request from CHC Lodnon.. Recently I contacted CHC...
  17. sohail-khan86


    Dear Qorax and Members, I had an interview with CHC last month .. After my interview the immigration officer told me that he was approving my application and the only thing left is my security clearence after which I will receive a passport request from CHC Lodnon.. Recently I contacted CHC...
  18. sohail-khan86

    Background Checks -EXPLAINED >>>

    Dear Qorax and Members, I had an interview with CHC last month .. After my interview the immigration officer told me that he was approving my application and the only thing left is my security clearence after which I will receive a passport request from CHC Lodnon.. Recently I contacted CHC...
  19. sohail-khan86

    Prepare an interview

    Dear Qorax and Members, I recently had an interview with CHC.. After my interview the immigration officer told me that he was approving my application and the only thing left is my security clearence after which I will receive a passport request from CHC Lodnon.. I was wondering how long does...