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  1. sohail-khan86

    Background Checks -EXPLAINED >>>

    I think you will have to go for re re medicals since they will almost expire your current medical as well. However I guess this is most probably a security interview.. I guess you should not have any problems besides the fact that your case will be delayed now. However now they might ask you all...
  2. sohail-khan86

    Prepare an interview

    Search keyword "cic" on google. The first link you will get is the only link you need to get all the documents and information for applying for pr...
  3. sohail-khan86

    Prepare an interview

    He is good. However you don't need him to apply for immigration..
  4. sohail-khan86


    Area you for real... Even if you fill all your forms manually, you shouldn't have any problem...
  5. sohail-khan86


    Cic prc?? What do you mean by that? Quey not understood...
  6. sohail-khan86


    Should have been accepted..
  7. sohail-khan86


    I have seen that usually people with degree from Karachi university are having lots of problems in immigration..since Karachi university rarely replies their verification mail..
  8. sohail-khan86

    Prepare an interview

    What do you mean by that? However I was wondering that medical request used to come by post with a stamp oh high commission on it..how can they send it by mail?
  9. sohail-khan86

    Prepare an interview

    Congratz man... Thatswhy I told you to wait and see... ;)
  10. sohail-khan86

    Prepare an interview

    Well it seems okay but we can never be sure what immigration officer might be thinking about it.you did your best now lets see whats next...
  11. sohail-khan86

    Background Checks -EXPLAINED >>>

    Dear Qorax, I have Pm'd you kindly take a look. Waiting for your response..
  12. sohail-khan86

    Background Checks -EXPLAINED >>>

    Varies for every case.. So don't get so hyped about it..some times even a interview can be conducted after medicals. So just wait and pray.. No need for caips at this stage..
  13. sohail-khan86


    Re: please reply me If he don't go back during the processing time of you application.you can't claim points.since you will be asked at a later date to provide evidence of your brother's current residence in Canada. Without providing that you can not claim points...
  14. sohail-khan86

    Prepare an interview

    If he haven't received his medicals yet then interview is never a good sign.they must have found something during the backgrounds checks. But if all the information he provided is authentic then I guess there is nothing to worry about...
  15. sohail-khan86


    Yes you can get points for these two but not for both your relative and spouse's relative ..
  16. sohail-khan86


    Alright just rechecked it so he can either claim points for his relative or his spouses relative and not both...
  17. sohail-khan86


    Unfortunately you can not do anything.. If they have asked about these documents then they definitely need them. I was also asked to provide proof about my relative's current residence in Canada Which I had to provide..no way around.. You won't be able to claim points on your uncle's base unless...
  18. sohail-khan86

    Prepare an interview

    Usually they ask for few documents and not everything. They might have serious concerns regarding the authenticity of your documents.. since you might know your own weak points.I recommend preparing for questions about such weaknesses ...
  19. sohail-khan86

    Prepare an interview

    The amount of documents they have requested from you.. things don't look positive at al for u. And no you can't apply for any dependent without passport...
  20. sohail-khan86

    Background Checks -EXPLAINED >>>

    Qorax is doing a great job helping everyone in this forum and therefore should not be critisized at all.