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  1. vincystress

    Inland Application 2011

    hi can some one please tell me what they think it is dm or just a ecas mistake 1 m ecas change to dm but no input was updated it just say dm when i click every thing is the same 2 i called the call center they said cic requested my passport from cbsa 3my back ground check is compleate but he is...
  2. vincystress

    Inland Application 2011

    thank you guyz i could not as for a better Christmas gift lol i hope that every one that are waiting for dm start getting it down the line i hate to see them wait but hang in there every one
  3. vincystress

    Inland Application 2011

    thanks you give me hope lol am happy again lol
  4. vincystress


    hi every one my ecas change to dm today and on my hussband ecas as well but this is what it says in side We received JULINE MISHANDA WILLIAMS's application for permanent residence on October 11, 2011. We started processing 999999999999 application on January 6, 2012. Medical results have...
  5. vincystress

    Inland Application 2011

    i am so lost they requested my passport from cbsa earler today and 4 hour after i see dm but she spoil my celebration lol thanks nono i will be pray you get the Christmas gift to
  6. vincystress

    Inland Application 2011

    thanks but one call center lady just told me dm on ecas dose not mean my case is done its just one part of back ground check thats done i feel like crying :'( :'( :'( :'( back to waiting i guess
  7. vincystress

    Inland Application 2011

    hey every one my ecas change today to dm am so happy hang in there every one am so happy i cant even think omg what a Christmas We received your application for permanent residence on October 11, 2011. We started processing your application on January 6, 2012. Medical results have been...
  8. vincystress

    Inland Application 2011

    hi guyz so the call center just told me my file is at etobicoke and the agent say they sent just updated my file saying they requested my passport from cbsa and she told me that is good so hmm lets see what the outcome of this am still worried should i be ??? ??? ???
  9. vincystress

    Inland Application 2011

    am in the same boat time line app sep 2011 recv oct 2011 aip + police req june 2012 req info reciv on oct 2011 ( rev 4 months after i sent them so sad) 2 dm waiting
  10. vincystress

    Inland Application 2011

    i was thinking to do it in jan i dont even knaow were to start to get a foss note
  11. vincystress

    Inland Application 2011

    hi every one i got aip in june 14th and i have not heard any thing yet so i submited my work permit on oct 20 and an agent told me on tue it has just been opened no ans on it as yet am so worriedd what can cic be doing that my dm is taking so long smh i can not beleave this
  12. vincystress

    Inland Application 2011

    am june 14 2011 still waiting i dont know y it is taking so long to do background cheack
  13. vincystress

    Inland Application 2011

    got aip in june nothing yet
  14. vincystress

    Inland Application 2011

    ya i have been waitng to i sent in pcc and nothing just that it was tranfered back to processing office from etobicko oh well all we can do ia wait
  15. vincystress

    Inland Application 2011

    i have been waiting 4 months :'(
  16. vincystress

    Inland Application 2011

    thank you so much peaches am so hoping this hole thing it over soon my grand dad is gettiing laid to rest on sat and the stress of not be there is also getting to me
  17. vincystress

    Inland Application 2011

    We received J application for permanent residence on October 11, 2011. We started processing J application on January 6, 2012. Medical results have been received. We transferred J application to the Etobicoke office on January 10, 2012. The Etobicoke office may contact J. We received the...
  18. vincystress

    Inland Application 2011

    so i went on me ecas this morning and ther was on up date We received your application for permanent residence on October 11, 2011. We started processing your application on January 6, 2012. Medical results have been received. We transferred your application to the Etobicoke office on...
  19. vincystress

    Inland Application 2011

    hi every one my stress level have so past it all now my grand dad die today and he meant :'( :'( :'( :'( the world to me even more than my dad i cant beleave he is gone :'( :'( and am stuck here cant go to say my good byes i am so lost i just about to leave and what ever happens to my case is...