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  1. vincystress

    May 2012 Applicants - JOIN HERE!

    aww congrats am am so happy for you and happy anniversary and good luck
  2. vincystress


    merry christmas every one
  3. vincystress

    Inland Application 2011

    i got interview before i got aip got aip the day after my interview
  4. vincystress

    Inland Application 2011

    my interview was only basd on the fact that my husband was married before well it gose like this we used to be togather when i was young we had 2 kids and broke up he moved to canada he got married to his ex wife they have a lil girl and after 5 years of marrage she cheated and left him with...
  5. vincystress

    Inland Application 2011

    i call every month and cheack ecas every morn and all i got was still doing back ground 8 months and even after my ecas was changed to dm they still said back ground is done but still 8 months they are always going by what ever time line they see they only have that 8 months so no one will call...
  6. vincystress

    Inland Application 2011

    i just took a look at your time line and you are right behind you are next you will see i got aip june 14 and my ecas showed my requested pcc on oct 13 so u are just around the corner dont give up now the end is near
  7. vincystress

    Inland Application 2011

    it will come soon dont worry it took me 6 months after aip it will be fine i by end of jan you may hear from them
  8. vincystress

    Inland Application 2011

    thank u happy holidays to u 2
  9. vincystress

    Spousal sponsorship

    yes it is thank you for all your help
  10. vincystress

    Inland Application 2011

    hi every one i got my letter today my landing interview will be on jan 16 thank youu guys for all the help and i will up date u guys on every thing am so happy its almost over good luck to ever one and hope you guyz hear some thing soon ps my ecas still says dm with nothing saying letter was...
  11. vincystress


    i was asked for pcc on june 16 did not send it in with app and no work permit and landing office will be etobicoke
  12. vincystress

    Spousal sponsorship

    hi every one my letter came today i will be landing on jan 16th i will update u guyz how it gose
  13. vincystress


    thank you so today i got a lettr from etobicoke about my landing interview on jan 16 will updat you guyz how it gose
  14. vincystress


    cic is a local visa inland office in u have to go in for an interview they will send you to your local office local office are mostly for interview and landing interview i also applied at vegreville but i has a interview and waiting on my landing inter view date hope that clears that up
  15. vincystress


    yes it is and thanks for the add
  16. vincystress

    october 2011 applicant join here!!!!

    plzz add me 2 your spreedsheeet
  17. vincystress


    ya who ever was handling that spreed left us waiting hanging but thats ok i was asking so that may be is some one in 2012 was wanting to know the time time maybe mine can help out
  18. vincystress


    can i be added to the spreed sheet as well please
  19. vincystress

    Spousal sponsorship

    hi every one just a lil update for so as you all know i saw dm on my ecas on dec 13 my passport was sent from cbsa to cic on dec 11 i spoke to a really nice agent today that seen to good at her job she told me that on dec 18 my case was finalized and she dose not think i will get a letter...
  20. vincystress

    Inland Application 2011

    hi every one just a lil update for so as you all know i saw dm on my ecas on dec 13 my passport was sent from cbsa to cic on dec 11 i spoke to a really nice agent today that seen to good at her job she told me that on dec 18 my case was finalized and she dose not think i will get a letter...