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  1. kulwantgill

    IELTS / CLB Conversion

    yes dear..fench is must for quebac immigration.. no other option.. and if u wife have qualification accordibg to noc ..she can be primary applicant.. but if u want to apply as principle applicant..u must score 6 in each module..
  2. kulwantgill

    IELTS / CLB Conversion

    fr quebec..u must need to score in french.. nd fr federal skilled worker, 6 in each is must..
  3. kulwantgill

    All those planning to apply on July 01, 2012 (all NOC's).

    spouse ielts require clb level 4.. read 3.5, writ and spk 4 nd list 4.5
  4. kulwantgill

    IELTS / CLB Conversion

    sorry dear u have to retake the test.. 6 in each module is must..
  5. kulwantgill

    new minimum for IELTS is 7 ??

  6. kulwantgill

    IELTS / CLB Conversion

    :-) 6 in each module is equal to clb level 7.
  7. kulwantgill

    IELTS / CLB Conversion

    6 in each is must dear as ashokp3 already cleard about that..
  8. kulwantgill

    Quebec Skilled Worker for people not in area of training A,B or C?

    1. QSW will start acceptng files aftr 31 march.. now thy r accptng files having area of training wht u said.. it is clearly mentioned on website that they will start after 31 march. 2. as per kenny,s announcement, all occupation will be included in this year. including a,b and o. they will...
  9. kulwantgill

    " FSW 2013 Announced "

    no no clb 7 means 6 in each module...
  10. kulwantgill

    new minimum for IELTS is 7 ??

    ielts minimum is 6 each... clb 7 equal to 6 each...
  11. kulwantgill

    Pharmacist : 3131

    http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/releases/2012/2012-12-19.asp?utm_source=media-centre-email&utm_medium=email-eng&utm_campaign=generic finly cic announced about final date of FSW
  12. kulwantgill

    All those planning to apply on July 01, 2012 (all NOC's).

    agree with u ... applicants having job letter will apply in different category.,..
  13. kulwantgill

    All those planning to apply on July 01, 2012 (all NOC's).

    m sayng that if they copy aus and nz system..these are the requirements fr aus and nz..
  14. kulwantgill

    All those planning to apply on July 01, 2012 (all NOC's).

    yes senior.. my views or imagination is same like u.. 1. as i remember in a statement kenny said that " we want skilled worker to work in their related field. so pre assessment is must." 2. exam process in aus took 2 years.. like frstly ielts 7 each and overal 7.5 in academic is must to appear...
  15. kulwantgill

    IELTS minimum score for new FSW application round 2013

    haha cant expect more than this...greatt score.. u will get 23 out of 24.. and fr ur wife..u will get 5.
  16. kulwantgill

    All those planning to apply on July 01, 2012 (all NOC's).

    but who have completed their pebc exam are already in canada. i dont think so that people who are not prepare for immigration will give exam. like i will give exam only in that condition if i am already in canada . and 90%those people gave exams who r already in canada on pr or on student base...
  17. kulwantgill

    All those planning to apply on July 01, 2012 (all NOC's).

    dear senior, do you think they will include pharmacist registration before apply..like same in aus nz.. frst we need to give acadmic ielts with 7 each and overall 7.5. but as pebc requirement..they r 6 each but overall 7.. please give ur views.. wht u think as this process is a long time...
  18. kulwantgill

    All those planning to apply on July 01, 2012 (all NOC's).

    its fedral skilled trade class.. so we have to wait for jan for final announcement of fsw2013
  19. kulwantgill


    hahaha to whom u r thanking,...here is no1 :-) u will not get any reply..its a funzone search urself on net... tcyonline.com search this.,.. admin of this forum is not active.. so dont post here and search urself.. as i send msj on 17 october.. and its 3 december..lolz..