thats ma profile bro
10th 79% 2007
1 year gap
12th 53% 2010
diploma in business frm uk with a grade (65-75%}
ielts 7 nt less that 6 in each
paid 1 year fee in sheridan
"your proposed studies are not reasonable in light of one or more of your qualifications, previous studies, employment, level of establishment, language abilities, or your future prospects and plans"
thats ma reason of rejection
ma profile is
10th 79% 2007
1 year gap
12th 53% 2010
diploma in business frm uk with a grade (65-75%}
ielts 7 nt less that 6 in each
paid 1 year fee in sheridan
still rejected
they gave silly reasons 1.language abilities 2.course propotion
i think ma agent messed up with my file
nw m...