Hey! Nope, I've informed agent to withdraw my Offer from Confederation as I've offer from Lambon which is in Toronto, 2 years and with Co-op.
Of course, have to wait for 4 more months as this is May. That's ok I guess.
Don't worry bro. You will get the offer soon.I understand it's not easy, can get frustrating. I hope you get your offer soon.
You qualify as per their admission requirements.
That's right. Lambton college does not send any official communication to student. It is only sent to the Agent.
I'm not sure if your course was actually open. Did you check the website when you were applying? I just checked the status of your program on the website and it is closed for May...
Hi Sai ! I applied on the same day and I got my offer letter within a week. I applied for Cloud Computing for Big Data Course - Toronto Campus for May 2019 Intake.
Can you check with your agent? Who's your agent? Lambton College has authorized agents.
As an FYI, All courses are Closed for May...
Got an update from agent..they're saying Confederation take 30-40days to process applications . That is 30-40 days after applying.
Long frustrating wait indeed. phewwwwww!!!