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  1. Danielle Reade

    What are your timelines?

    Is it Good? It's happening so quickly I have no clue. I got aor yesterday.
  2. Danielle Reade

    What are your timelines?

    This is on my account: Where is this application? Details Help Application status We are processing your application. We will send you a message when there is an update or if we need more information from you. Help - Application status Review of eligibility We are reviewing whether you meet...
  3. Danielle Reade

    What are your timelines?

    I checked the sponsors ecas and this is what it looks like, is this normal so soon? https://screenshots.firefox.com/WE3Az1KekiG7nTaS/services3.cic.gc.ca
  4. Danielle Reade

    What are your timelines?

    Hi! I did not know that was possible! How is your progress so far!
  5. Danielle Reade

    What are your timelines?

    Hi everyone, I resent my application November 7th, received the 9th of November, AOR January 9th. 2 days ago. Linked my account, and I have submitted my FBI clearance as I had it done when I originally sent in my app in July. (Returned for missing address). I Also submitted my schedule A, my...
  6. Danielle Reade


    Hi everyone, I don't check this forum much but wanted to post to give you guys an idea of where CPC is at. I originally sent my application in July 2016, returned and resubmitted November 7th. I received my aor1 today. It is taking roughly 2 months it seems.
  7. Danielle Reade

    Important question-

    It said I have a file number but that is it.
  8. Danielle Reade

    Important question-

    What information should I include on the cover letter? My process hasn't even started yet so I don't have application information like others.
  9. Danielle Reade

    Important question-

    Hi all, My application was returned for missing some additional family information. I just recieved it in the mail, fixed the errors, and sent it again. I just realized that instead of putting my parents home address, I misread it and put their email address. So, I made a mistake, again. What...
  10. Danielle Reade

    Application returned- still haven't recieved it.

    Okay thank you so much! I hopee it arrives because i had original carda and letters in it, but ill just need to explain why i dont have those things i guess. They gave me 30 days for some reason, so im hoping i get it and can send it nack soon. Im not sure what the time limit is for.
  11. Danielle Reade

    Application returned- still haven't recieved it.

    I put in an enquiry and they emailed back it was returned for a missing document so i called for more information and they emailed me a copy of the checklist which highlighted missing an address from the additional family info form. I didnt have a number or anything.
  12. Danielle Reade

    Application returned- still haven't recieved it.

    I just worry about the payment.... I already paid, so would I need to pay again? :/
  13. Danielle Reade

    Application returned- still haven't recieved it.

    For those of you who were aware of your application being returned, when did you recieve it? They said mine was sent out the first, and I still haven't gotten it. I live in the us.
  14. Danielle Reade

    Application returned

    Do you know why they say we need to get it back within 30 days? Because I thought that my application just starts over in the pile and I wait another month or so after I send it, right? So I don't really understand why it matters.
  15. Danielle Reade

    Application returned

    they emailed me my checklist with the highlighted errors, and the letter stating why because i called them to get more information, so they were nice enough to email me what they saw. I live outside of canada, it was sent on the 2nd or 1st and i still have not recieved it.
  16. Danielle Reade

    Application returned

    How soon did those who had theirs returned, get it back in the mail? I'm hoping mine doesn't take a very long time.
  17. Danielle Reade

    Application returned

    I'm not sure the reason, the letter they sent just said that I have to send it back out within 30 days of the day that they sent it, which was the 1st. Why was yours returned? Do you know how long it should take? I still have not recieved mine in the mail.
  18. Danielle Reade

    Application returned

    I'm wondering if I should include a new checklist, because on the one they are sending back... it highlights a couple things that they thought were missing, then crossed it out and said "Disregard" by it. I just don't want it to cause any confusion.
  19. Danielle Reade

    Application returned

    Thank you guys, I will do that! Do you know if I need to do anything specific when I send it back, like a new checklist or new signatures or anything? Or do I just send the form they need with the letter I received, as well as the checklist where they highlighted what they needed?
  20. Danielle Reade

    Application returned

    Hi all, my application was returned because of missing an address or some part on the additional family information form.... They are giving me 30 days, from September 1st, to send it back. I haven't gotten it in the mail yet from them, so I want to make sure it gets there before the 30 days is...