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  1. C

    2018: Successful PGWP Restriction Flagpole Removal?

    Hey y’all. I have had my PGWP since approximately September of last year. I am finally at the stage in all of my licensing for teaching that I need to get the restrictions removed from my work permit. I went and did the medical exam for weeks ago, but I’m hearing mixed messages on whether not...
  2. C

    Post Graduate Work Permit Processing Time (PGWP)

    OH THANK YOU SWEET CIC, I JUST GOT APPROVED. August 15th, for what it's worth. I had a status of "updated" a couple hours ago, decided to hit refresh, and there it was.
  3. C

    Post Graduate Work Permit Processing Time (PGWP)

    Same here. You’re giving me hope! Haha.
  4. C

    Post Graduate Work Permit Processing Time (PGWP)

    August here. Still waiting. It would be nice if they updated the website once in a blue moon.
  5. C

    Post Graduate Work Permit Processing Time (PGWP)

    I think that's one of the processing offices, but don't quote me.
  6. C

    Post Graduate Work Permit Processing Time (PGWP)

    Applied/confirmed: Aug 15 I laugh at their website that says they update the processing times every week. It's not the week of Oct 6th anymore, CIC. Two more (very long) weeks to go?
  7. C

    PGWP Processing

    Alright, so I know what CIC says their processing times are for PGWP’s, but how have people been faring in the last month or so? I’m about 15 days from the current average, and they haven’t even touched my application.
  8. C

    PR Application Question re: travel

    Weird, that's where I had selected this to post. Where did it end up?
  9. C

    PR Application Question re: travel

    I've got one stinking question left on my PR application via FSW, and I don't know what to do with it. It's the one where you're asked to detail every time you've left your country of residence in the last 10 years. I lived on a border town in the US for about 8 of those, and have a Nexus, so...
  10. C

    Could DEPRESSION make you fail the medical exam? Please help.

    Nope! They don't really care if you have depression, especially if it's well managed.
  11. C

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    449, and I have 511. *screams*
  12. C

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    I can't put my finger on why I don't trust you... some sort of metallic feeling... sharp and pointy.
  13. C

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    I have a good feeling about today. And not just for all the usual reason, but because HOLY MACKINAW TIMS BROUGHT BACK ROLL UP THE RIM FOR CANADA150. If that's not a sign, I don't know what is. *sips nectar of the gods* (Yes, I live in Toronto already, student visa)
  14. C

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    If it wasn't poutine, I don't want to know.
  15. C

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    Oh good, I haven't missed anything in the last 37 pages. :confused:
  16. C

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    Hahaha, sorry mate. Hamilton the musical. Also, I'm a history nerd.
  17. C

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    Walking into this thread on a Monday after a weekend is like Thomas Jefferson getting back to the US colonies from France. *sees Hamilton, turns and exits*
  18. C

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    Applied June 7, received NOI on June 9, not using it because my score is over 500 and NOC is... 4021? I'm a super weird case. Like, I shouldn't be lumped in anywhere because I should've been Canadian at birth and I've lived here a long-ass time.
  19. C

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    Sorry, kids. Can confirm the opposite - I got one afterward. But my score is pretty high, so...