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  1. C

    Landed before few days

    "Canada is a developing country" -definitely! :)
  2. C

    To all Members - Read Helpful Hints ..before applying to buffalo

    Thanks a lot for sharing information in this wonderful thread.. more power, well i don't know what more to say, so really thanks you all! I appreciate what you share...
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    internet policies around the globe

    Policies regarding to internet crime and security and its usage must be strictly observed, so as to protect innocent people and restrain abusive ones from causing more danger to anybody! Laws pertaining to these are widely implemented in most western country, other countries must implement these...
  4. C

    Immigration Acronyms

    Whoah! thanks a lot for this great post! it's informative, especially for students who are beginners to law terminology and for us to easy recall those terms as possible as we could
  5. C


    Thanks for posting useful information! I'm sure many interested applicants would give an updated and bulky questions for experts out there! and most of your post seems to give answers to some of the questions...
  6. C

    Best banking option for new immigrants

    i think both do well.. you can drop a visit to each site so you can either see the difference and later on choose the bank you prefer.
  7. C

    health ins

    you can browse through the net :)
  8. C

    Where I can buy Fire Resistant Safe Box in Calgary

    Home Depot or Canadian Tire.. yeah, pretty good choice :)
  9. C

    Average monthly living expenses in Calgary???

    well, basically $1500 - $2000
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    CALGARY Apartments

    Oh yes, that's a safe place.
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    Proof of Funds for Spouse Open Work Permit

    yeah, i don't think support matters.. $12 is fine :)
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    Need your help

    hi... what's the progress with your application?
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    What is Admissible???

    yes, possibly :)
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    spousal application.

    yes, this is correct :)
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    Sponsorship for mother...Officers error... what to do next?

    aw .. this is bad.. who's that officer? well, you try to communicate with them and show proofs.. this needs immediate response.
  16. C

    5 Year Spousal Sponsorship Bar

    wow! great news! :)
  17. C

    fees for lawyers in toronto

    well, it depends on the situation.. if it is a complicated matter, or if you are having problems with the application, then you can consult an experienced lawyer.
  18. C

    How many are sponsoring to Ontario, just curious.

    hi Lemondrop78, yeah, hope u help your bro its kinda long time.. whew! :)
  19. C

    Case Processing Speed at Visa Offices (step 2)

    great post! This will be helpful for those who are applying for visa Thanks! :)