My APPLICATION ASSIGNMENT section has this on my GCMS:
Office: Vancouver IRCC
#: Cxxxxxx
Location: E-Grant Ceremony Ready
Due Date: 2023/05/03
Assigned By: xxxxx
Assigned To: xxxxx
What does the above mean please? Can anyone interpret?
When IRCC sends the oath letter via email. There is a part that talks about if not able to attend and what to do. They always reschedule. So she will be fine. :)
It ranges from few days to 1 month, 2 months etc. It is still a waiting game. LLP completed for me, since Feb 8th, still waiting for oath invite, LLP got completed for my hubby 17th Feb, got his oath invite with email yesterday.
My hubby got his oath update on tracker today. He started his journey in July 2022.
Applied Online July 8th
AOR July 8th
Additional Info Require July 8th
Additional info received Aug 7th
Finger print Requested Dec 15th
Test schedule btw Dec 19th & Jan 9th
Wrote Test Jan 9th
Test updated...
It's a waiting game. Some receive invite in days, others in 1 month, 2 months etc. So no one knows . For me LPP was completed 8th Feb still waiting for Oath invite. Gosh! Tired, LOL.
No, once all is completed u should expect oath email. At least I called today regarding my file & d agent told me just to wait for oath taking. She then confirmed once all steps are marked as completed it means all d requirements were met. No stage will be marked as complete if d agent cannot...