Assalam-U-Alaikum Brothers & Sisters!
I'd sent an enquiry to London Visa Office in November that:
Is my file in Islamabad Pakistan or in London Visa Office?
If yes so when it has been forwarded to London Visa Office?
I Got Reply today i.e.
Dear Applicant,
Please be advised that this...
Assalam-U-Alaikum Brothers & Sisters!
I'd sent an enquiry to London Visa Office in November that:
Is my file in Islamabad Pakistan or in London Visa Office?
If yes so when it has been forwarded to London Visa Office?
I Got Reply today i.e.
Dear Applicant,
Please be advised that this...
Hey Guys!
I'd made an Enquiry to LVO on Nov 11, 2014, that
Where My File is? With them or not (LVO)?
If Yes, When did they receive it from Islamabad?
As they said, that they'll give me reply within 28 days...
But no Response...
Your Suggestions Please!!
Hey Guys!
I'd made an Enquiry to LVO on Nov 11, 2014, that
Where My File is? With them or not (LVO)?
If Yes, When did they receive it from Islamabad?
As they said, that they'll give me reply within 28 days...
But no Response...
Your Suggestions Please!!
Hey Guys!
I’d made an Enquiry to LVO on Nov 11, 2014, that
Where My File is? With them or not (LVO)?
If Yes, When did they receive it from Islamabad?
As they said, that they’ll give me reply within 28 days…
But no Response... HUH
Hey Guys!
I’d made an Enquiry to LVO on Nov 11, 2014, that
Where My File is? With them or not (LVO)?
If Yes, When did they receive it from Islamabad?
As they said, that they’ll give me reply within 28 days…
But no Response... HUH
I've made case specific enquiry to LVO on Nov 11,
((that my file is with them or not?
If yes, so when it has been forwarded from Islamabad to London?))
They didn't reply me yet!
Can anyone tell me that when they'll gimme response???