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Search results

  1. mountain_pirate

    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    It seems to be trending down, from 66K in 2007 to 56K for 2011. 2012 could be an anomaly with numbers going up, but we're talking about first month of 2012 here. But there doesn't seem to be any logic to what CIC does.
  2. mountain_pirate

    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    I haven't the foggiest idea. With the good Dr. debunking my theory of Spring Break, now I don't even have any far fetched theories to console me.
  3. mountain_pirate

    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    It seems like there were total of 56K applicants in all of FAM category last here (38K for spousal) which is actually down from 60K of last year. Here is a link that gives stat for last 5 years. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/statistics/facts2011-preliminary/01.asp
  4. mountain_pirate

    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    Compared to Jan 2011 spreadsheet, 2012 is out of whack. Fine, so the spring break theory doesn't hold water. Do you have any other theories? Coz I need one to keep going on :D Seeing Jan 18 applicants receive their approval makes me hope I might hear something this week. That'd give me the...
  5. mountain_pirate

    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    Congratulations!!!! Good to see things moving. Could you please provide your info to alf+jlh so you could be added to the spreadsheet.
  6. mountain_pirate

    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    That someone would be me :D A friend of a friend who works for CIC (in accounting) told me that. No clue about why they're taking so long though.
  7. mountain_pirate

    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    Congratulations!! Mine was received on January 19th so hoping I'll hear some good news soon. What was the date of your approval?
  8. mountain_pirate

    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    I really need to hear some good news today. If not for me, at least of others. Need to see some sign that things are moving....
  9. mountain_pirate

    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    We are all on the same boat. Mine reached on Jan 19 and there has been on news and there are those from Jan 11/12 who haven't heard anything either. Calling CIC is waste of time. As painful as it is, it's best to factor in 70-75 waiting time. All the best to you.
  10. mountain_pirate

    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    I know how frustrating and agonizing this can be, as I am in the same boat as you, but I wouldn't despair or give up hope. I don't think that lady and the guy know what they're talking about. Every time you call, you're likely to get a different answer. They said they didn't have a record of my...
  11. mountain_pirate

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    This link is for January 2012, not just New Delhi https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmxynnoT1qeadGJZWUlfekZUbm9YTVJuVzNFejU3eGc#gid=0 This one is for New Delhi (2011/12) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnsA1_L-IeGFdC1rTlg2THdGakE1SUhfMXF1WFRpS2c&hl=en_US#gid=1
  12. mountain_pirate

    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    Those of you willing to put your name to petition to Immigration Minister can do so here, http://www.change.org/petitions/minister-of-citizenship-immigration-and-multiculturalism-improve-cic-s-poor-practice-in-dealing-with-immigration-applications-2
  13. mountain_pirate

    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    I'm originally from Nepal, but I do feel a kinship with Nunavutmiut :-) Besides, they don't have a flag for Nepal in this list as there is no Canadian Embassy there. I live in Toronto though and my wife is in Kathmandu presently.
  14. mountain_pirate

    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    I've a feeling by next week we'll have many congratulations and tears of joy flying around this place.
  15. mountain_pirate

    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    Congratulations!!! This calls for Avacado and Cheese, a healthy way to celebrate :-)
  16. mountain_pirate

    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    Congratulations!!!! Could you please share with us when your application was received at CPC?
  17. mountain_pirate

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    It seems like us newbies aren't allowed to send PMs.
  18. mountain_pirate

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Congratulations mate.
  19. mountain_pirate

    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    I think the CIC agents are the least helpful and clueless. If you call anxiously you end up feeling despair by the end. It's truly an exercise in futility. I've decided to take call centre fast by not calling until I see posts from fellow members indicating AOR/approvals around the time. I...
  20. mountain_pirate

    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    For those of you wondering why you received emails or letters from Ottawa I've some info. I was talking to a friend who spoke to someone who works at CIC (sorry in accounting). According to him, it seems like CPC-M routinely sends applications to other processing centres when it has a handful of...